Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Get Out of Town!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
The Pinnacle of Absurdity
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The Medal of Honor
Monday, October 25, 2010
We Are Asking the Wrong Question/s!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Wing Nut or Lug Nut? Which Are You?
What are you? Are you a "Wing Nut" or are you a "Lug Nut"?
Personally I am a Lug Nut. I am trying to do all I can to keep the wheels from falling off the vehicle of State. If you are a "Wing Nut" you don't even have a pit crew. Your crew chief is one person sitting up in "the tower" just watching you go round and round and praying you won't run out of gas, which of course you will. It's just how much damage can you do before you do.
If you are a "Lug Nut", you do have a crew chief and a pit crew. Their job is to get feedback from you on how it's going, make adjustments as needed, and figure out just how much it takes to never run out of gas. You make changes according to the conditions on the ground and history has shown that this is the winning strategy for winning the "big one"!
This President and this Congress are bent on letting the wheels fall off. They appear not to be concerned about what will happen when they do. The wreck that this strategy will inevitably cause will be catastrophic and lots of other people will get hurt and they just don't care as long as they are in a position to push their strategy beyond the breaking point.
If you are a Wing Nut, even though you can see and feel the wheels falling off, you chalk it up to the rough terrain you have to go over to get to where you are trying to go. In fact your thought process is if only everything and everybody would just get out of your way, it would be smooth sailing for you. You ignore the warning lights on the dash, the blue smoke coming out of the back end, the steam coming out from under the hood because your crew chief keeps saying; "keep on keepin' on" So of course you do.
The sponsors have had enough. They have seen through all your hype, pretty speeches that you couldn't give without a teleprompter, and maniacal obsession with power. You are finally being seen for what you are, all show and no blow, all hot air and no substance, and illiterate when it comes to being able to read the Constitution, history books or anything else that would help you understand just how far "off the track" you are.
You crashed your car, you are an unfit driver!
On November 2nd another race will begin. I am sure you will try and cobble together something to try and stay in the race. But we know who and what you are now. This will be an endurance race this time, which only begins on November 2nd. We have been training for a long time not to drive in fits and spurts, but for as long as it takes to win this race once and for all.
We are not going to put you in the winners circle again or let you drink from that cool bottle of milk. No making "donuts" on the track, no drivers hall of fame. All that will be left is a footnote in the history book that says; "they didn't do or care enough to send their very best". RIP my wing nut friend, rest in perpetuity!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Do It For Yourself!
We have taught them to ignore us. Too many Americans believe that the problem is with somebody else's Congressman or Senator, not theirs. That is why we re-elect over and over again people who should be fired and have to find a real job. We have taught them that if they raise enough money in most instances they can get re-elected, regardless of their voting record which most people have never looked at. We have taught them, and allowed, a seniority system to drive how we vote. Instead of electing or re-electing them based on what their committee assignment will be or how many earmarks they can bring back home, it needs to be their record on voting for the overall well being of the country, not just their district.
Do you trust the "sound bytes" that you see and/or hear on your television? Do you believe what you see in the political ads, both positive and negative? Do you believe that the media slants things to suit their own purposes? We are manipulated, everyday, by what we see and hear because we won't do the grunt work to find out the real facts on our own. And they know it! Do you have conversations in your family about how you are too busy to get involved so we will let somebody else do it? Well, somebody else IS doing it and how is that working out for you?
Our actions and our thinking have become myopic. We are guilty of what in business is called "silo" thinking. We mistakenly believe that as long as we take care of and get rewarded for what is going on in our little corner of the world, that we don't need nor should we care about what is going on outside of it. WRONG! Silo thinking has ruined and is ruining companies today and it has and will ruin countries while the fiddler plays and Rome burns.
Some people ask me "where do we start" or "there are so many things to fix what should we work on first"? Start with YOURSELF! You can't fix anything unless you/we work an making sure we are a part of the solution, not a part of the problem. I may not agree with what you say, but I defend to the death your right to express it. BUT, I am not even hearing from you. Why don't you comment on this blog? To busy, don't care or are you just glad somebody else is doing it so you don't have to. BUT YOU DO HAVE TO! We all need to hear from you. I want to know what you think. Do you agree or disagree with what I am saying here.
You and I TOGETHER can make a difference and create a more responsive government than we have now. I can't do it by myself, I need your help. Over 6000 people now see this blog. How many more could if you would send a copy of it to everyone on your email list. PLEASE do that for America! Thank you!
Monday, October 18, 2010
15 DAYS!
The only way to get things to change is for us to change ourselves and take charge of our own future. Why would we want to put somebody else in charge of that? Well that is exactly what we do when we wait on "them" whoever they are, to do it.
The Power of Choice is the most powerful tool you and I will ever have. We have it WITHIN us to choose what that future will look like. It will take a lot of hard, gut-wrenching work to get it done. But if we wait for "them" to do it, it will never happen. We have gotten lazy and now we are paying the price. Now we have to change almost everything in Washington and then make sure we stay in charge by holding all those new Senators and Congressmen accountable.
When I hear someone say that the only good Republican or Democrat is a dead one, I know that the only thing that matters to them is who is in charge and NOT who will do the best job, not only as a party but individually. We have let a system grow up which punishes people who don't adhere to the "party" line. The system is set up to let the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader be dictators. Good people with good ideas that aren't in sync with the leadership will pay the price. I believe there are good people on both sides, but they are not allowed, in this system, to do what they know is right. We need TERM LIMITS! The seniority system has sucked the blood out of our American political system.
We now have an administration that seems to be bent on destroying the American way of life. We are trying to spend our way to prosperity and it has never worked and it will not work now. We need a paycheck, not a food stamp. We will never get back what we know works with those who are now in charge. WE NEED TO FIRE THEM ON NOV 2ND! But if you and I go back to letting the new ones think we work for them instead of them working for us, things will not change no matter which party is in power.
You and I don't need to do anything to have the power we need to change things to reflect what we know will work for our country. It was given to us by God and the United States Constitution underscored it and put it in writing. But somewhere along the way we forgot what was and is ours and can be ours again, if will only take back what is rightfully ours, our country. This is not about them, it is about us. This is not about the Tea Party, it is about us doing what we should have been doing all along. I know we can do it. I believe that we will do it. It is not about if we will, it is all about when. If not us, who, if not now, when?
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Now Is The Time!!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Simon Cowell Truths
What if you tell a "little white lie"? What does that mean? That it's OK? I heard someone say that telling the truth might hurt someones feelings. Lying to them MORE than hurts their feelings. Why can't we be honest with each other? No,the dress doesn't look good on you. That haircut does not become you. And yes the baby is ugly!The dress only needs to look good to the woman who wears it. The haircut only needs to feel good and become the person who has it. And yes, if you are the parent of the baby they always look good to us because they are a part of us. All of these are OK because we all have a right to our opinion. Tooooo many people live out there lives trying to live up to "others" expectations. What a waste!
You don't have to be brutal about it, just truthful. Now is that so hard?
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Of Course You Can!
I learned years ago not to rely on the "arm" of man but to rely on the strength of the Lord to get things accomplished. My problem was my ego got in the way too many times and I began to believe it was ME who was accomplishing things and not the REAL source of all my accomplishment. I hope I am smarter about all that now and that you can learn from my experience. You can do whatever it is you want to do as as long as it is a righteous desire and you ask for HIS help. Lean not unto your own understanding but unto HIS who created you.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Player vs Spectator
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Is Anybody Listening?
This man MUST be a one term President. He is doing and will continue to do so much harm in the wake of his absolute determination to do what he wants to no matter the price or the consequences to the Republic, that one term will be more than enough. This is the only President we have right now, so please no more emails about what you thought other Presidents didn't do in an effort to show he is no different. Well, he is different, and right now he is the only one we can do anything about, so no histrionics please.
I have come to the conclusion that when you have nothing to back up what you are saying you argue your point from emotion. Have you ever wondered why with a numerical majority in the country there are no liberal national media persons on the radio and why the ones who have tried, have tried and failed. It is because FACTS are their worst nightmare, if they have to talk about facts their dead in the water. They can't stand the heat of Americans calling in and talking with them about FACTS, they want to argue from "feelings and emotions".
Is there anything wrong with feelings and emotions? No, unless you try and trump reality, or try and re-distribute wealth as a "fairness doctrine". No, unless you don't want to confuse your agenda with the truth. My experience with people who want to "level the playing field" in all areas, want to do so ONLY as long as it doesn't apply to them, i.e., all the federal employee exemptions to the new health care laws.
With the election a little over 4 months away there is another suggestion you need to hear from someone, me, who was there and saw how it worked. We need to require our "new" congress persons to pledge NOT to hire any staffer on Capitol Hill that has served in a Congressman's or Senators office for more than 2 years. The staffers, many times, are as much the problem as the elected official and often MORE. Officials come and go but the staffers are there forever.
We need a law on the books that says Members of Congress can serve on three terms, 6 years, and Senators can serve only 1 term, 6 years, with no pensions. This is the only way we will ever get them to start talking with and working with each other. The way it is now we have built a "caste" system or should I say "class" system with them being the UPPER in either case. We need Americans who are not so caught up in their own lives to hold their feet to the fire while they are there. The Constitution will survive, though it may be tested to the limit, it will survive because it was and is God inspired!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Memorial Day
God bless you that serve now and will serve. Thank you to all those brave ones that have set the example and braved the fight to protect the safety of our country and its people.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Protest vs Attest
Now you have done more than the Attorney General of the United States and the head of Homeland Security combined. You are IN THE KNOW!
People will protest almost anything they don't like. However, they don't seem to be able to find the time to ATTEST to something they agree with publicly. Being against something is easy and it is news. Being for something is considered "not worth the effort".
Where do you stand on this Arizona immigration law discussion? First, have you read the law? I have made it easy for you to do so. Do you care? Well after all that's in Arizona and if you live elsewhere do you really give a flip? If you have read the law, and I have, all 17 pages word for word, if you agree with it who have you let know you agree? Or are you one of the faceless numbers in the polls that say around 74% of Americans agree with what Arizona has done even though most of them have never read the law either.
So now, has this developed into an emotional standoff between those for the law who have never read it versus those who oppose the law and have not read it. All we are hearing from is "suspect" persons on the news, whose agenda's are clear, how they feel about the law whether they have read it or not. It seems to make for "sensationalism" in the news cast and after all if it is on the news doesn't it have to be true? No,it doesn't.
Now the government, today, has indicated that it may not cooperate with Arizona in dealing with and/or deporting people that have been proven to be illegal in Arizona, because the Obama Administration believes that it should only be done through a "comprehensive federal policy" which no one can agree on.
So where are we? Arizona now has approximately 460,000 illegal immigrants living in the state. They have broken the law if they are there illegally. The Arizona legislature has done something about what they consider to be a problem, and the Governor has agreed and signed the legislation. California and other states want to punish Arizona for what they have done by not doing business with Arizona or it entities. Arizona want to cut off their electricity.
People who have broken the laws of the United States and continue to do so and their supporters both legal and illegal, have successfully, so far, used our good will and our good nature against us while enlisting the help of the Democratically controlled White House and Congress who need THEIR VOTES to help them continue to break the law. Do you see anything wrong with this picture?
The reason that Arizona is having such a difficult time defending itself, is that the 74% of Americans who agree with them aren't showing up. They have no face expect in a poll. I don't see my Senators or Congresspersons showing up, is yours? WHY NOT? Because we are afraid of what people will think and what could happen to us if we do the right thing. How did we get to the point in this country that a majority of the people are afraid of any minority group of people who are either breaking the law or doing against the will of the people whatever they choose. How? By the majority being, silent, afraid, to busy, not caring or by believing that the worst could never happen in the United States of America. It can, it has started, and the only question left, is will we do anything to stop it?
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
How are Goldman-Sachs and Arizona's New Immigration Law Connected
On the other hand I can approach it this way, in a country where most everybody is scared to death of being politically incorrect and every minority cause in the country uses that against anybody who disagrees with them, we can allow the 450,000 illegals already in Arizona to continue to break the law in hopes that somehow we can get them falsified paperwork so they can vote for us the next election,i.e., Arizona's new immigration law.
An elected official at any level, but assuredly at the national level, will do whatever they have to to get re-elected. That's all that matters. So if it means excoriating 5 executives form Goldman Sachs publicly, while taking millions upon millions of dollars from them for campaign contributions privately, that is just what we will do. Goldman Sachs has already agreed to be the whipping boy you see, in a previously arranged agreement. What most people don't understand is that they are willing to take this "ever so often embarrassment" because the real payoff is worth it. So whip me publicly, just keep the money coming.
In Arizona where some people have "stepped up" why do we have so many people protesting against us stopping people from breaking the law? Mexico's laws are more harsh than ours against illegals. But who would want to sneak in there? How do all of these protesters get time off of work to do all of this protesting? If they are employed, are they getting fired for missing work or have we taught employers to be so afraid of enforcing their own rules, they give them a "pass".
People whose main goal everyday is to stay in office for life if they can, are driven by whatever it takes so that they can continue to live in style to which they have become accustomed. ANYTHING. As long as our system, and that means you and I, continue to support political office as a privileged and never ending job, this problem is not going to go away. We support it by supporting seniority as a way for us individually or us as a state or district getting special treatment because we have a long serving representative, NO MATTER WHAT THE COST TO THE REST OF THE COUNTRY!!! If we do it with our elected officials do we also do it in business and other organizations? Of course we do because we don't care who else's ox gets gored as long as it isn't ours. Are we no longer our brothers keeper?
Those 5 men who were in front of Congress yesterday testifying, all make well over 1 million dollars a year according to my sources. What would you do or say to protect that income? Have they broken the law? I don't know, someone other venue will decide that, but they sure are fun to be against just because they make so much money. Why don't they give it to us or to charity? How dare they go to college, or not, get good jobs, raise families and put their kids in private school and drive nice cars when they could be like me and just sit here and criticize. The nerve of them!
We have taught them to ignore us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And we will continue to pay the price as long as " the best way for bad to prevail, is for the good to do nothing" rings hollow in our ears. God bless you and God bless this great nation!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The Answer is NOT Doing the "Same Ole Thing"
I would want their campaign committee to be made up of newbies, not political hacks. That includes the fundraisers etc. I would want every person who signs up to help to meet personally with the candidate and hear exactly what they stand for. There is no PAC money or anything that remotely resembles "a string attached" They would not parade a bunch of celebrity political hacks through Georgia for endorsements. Endorsements would only be sought from the voters. It would be clear that endorsements were not being sought, or even welcomed except from people who can go into that voting booth on election day and cast a vote for the candidate.
This would be a people to people campaign. It would not flood the TV with "image" ads, he/she would make themselves as available as humanly possible for people to see and ask questions about where they stand. No BS or "politically correct" because that is a part of the problem now and it mostly stems from the seniority system. The KA system as I like to call it.
The press is welcome to come along, but any questions that are asked of the candidate that try to start a "soap opera" to sell more print or air time are a waster of time and will politely be ignored. They can be a powerful ally for us in what we are trying to do, but not on their terms, it needs to be on ours. Don't ask us to judge anyone or what they are doing. God does the judging of humans. Judge what is happening, that's a different ballgame and it is fair game. This campaign will not be goaded into personality contests to satisfy some need for juicy "tid bits" for the evening news. We are looking for doer's not couch potatoes.
Once elected the District office and the Washington office will be staffed by people from the District not political wanna be's who go from politician to politician because they are too deeply embedded in what is already the problem. The Chief of Staff would be a trusted friend with no prior political experience but a lot of b _ _ _ s, and honest and trustworthy beyond question or they would be gone in a flash. Also he/she,the now Congressperson, would meet with both caucuses in Washington not just one or the other. Or probably by whoever invited them, but with the understanding that accepting the invitation means only that and nothing else.
A top priority would be term limits. 3 terms or six years for a Congressman and 1 term or 6 years for a Senator. If you have worked your tail off for the American people for 6 years, you will have done as much as you can and it is time to go home and go back to work with the rest of us. No government pension after your time is up. That's what is wrong now, everyone is working for the pension and not us. We have created a monster called a Professional Congress and not a Citizen Congress. As a citizen we can go to Washington and do all the best we can and go home and get our pension from somewhere else, like putting it away for ourselves and not depending on the government to provide it.
Lobbyist support, forget it. Make your case and then go away. Don't make any offers or promises just tell me what you have to say and then let the other side do the same and we will make up our own minds based on our "common sense". Party leadership, don't try and bribe us with committee offers or anything else unless you want to read about it in print. Play your stupid games somewhere else until we get the rules changed so that you can no longer be a dictator. Speaker of the House or Senate Majority Leadership is a one year term only. Get the picture, it is all based on a seniority system dependent on you kissing butt and living and serving long enough.
Even if it is not law yet, get out when your "term limits" definition of service is over. Be the example. Sound like something you would like to see? But are saying this can never happen, the system is to big to change! Yeah, well that is what "they" want you to think. Those that have so much invested in this anti-American system. Behind the scenes, because of the "system" they now collude together, both sides, on how to keep this "sweet thing" going. It's not about you and me, it's only about THEM!.
We have just gone through an overthrow of our government, and yes we are now chattel not citizens. What was billed as CHANGE was a disguised socialist dictatorship that they are trying to impose while we "sleep". You may be thinking "what a lot of hothead rhetoric" and you may be right. But are you willing to sit there and let what's happening to you go ahead or are you willing to listen to some "not so politically correct" talk that is aimed and getting us off our duffs and doing something before it is too late. If you want to listen to all of the same old plain pablum that got us to where we are, then go read something else. BUT if you are ready to help ensure that your kids and grand kids and beyond aren't going to have to pay the price for us "doing nothing" then stand up, get up, find your candidate and get them elected. It is possible. I promise you, IT IS POSSIBLE! You can do this!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Wailing Wall st.
When all in the room had been talked, with previously and privately, before yesterday and were told: "we have to do this for the public to see, so that I look good, me the President that is, and it looks like I am demonizing you." "Oh, and you Goldman Sachs, don't mind what we are doing publicly,(wink,wink)and just keep on sending those hundreds of thousand of dollars in contributions to my campaign (wink, wink)."
Is the American public as stupid as that little dog and pony show would have to lead us to believe? If we are, things are going to get a lot worse before they ever get better. If you are waiting on the current leadership of the Republicans to lead the way to get us out of this, forget it. THEY ARE OUTCLASSED!! John Boehner and Mitch McConnell are pathetic!! Hey guys, you are dealing with a "community organizer" a "street fighter" and you guys are wusses.
Go ahead and play "Mr. Nice Guy" and you are going to continue to get your butts kicked around the block. The "other side of the aisle" needs somebody with brass b _ _ _ s! I can tell you this, when I took my White House appointment, it took me about two days to understand how Washington worked. How stupid is it to be against something just because the other side is for it. Don't you read history? Didn't you watch how Scott Brown got elected? It's the INDEPENDENTS stupid! Their numbers have changed the rules, the whole ball game.
The Dems didn't get it in Massachusetts and they got their head handed to them on a silver platter. But I bet they get it now. THE RULES HAVE CHANGED! GET IT! That is why you, those of you who are reading this, are getting back into the arena and back into the game. Now what we have to do is find a way to bring together everybody who is a part of this "awakening", and organize it in a new way. Enough of trying to find our "savior", a one or two or whatever number leadership is to risky. We need someone who can keep us organized and yet let America know this is about ALL of us.
Make no mistake about it, this President is not about keeping the America I grew up in alive. He is about destroying it! This Congress is not about helping you find the American dream, it is about "enslaving" you to the government. If you really, really care, I would like to hear from you. We get 1000's of hits, but few responses. Are you to busy to let all those people hear how YOU feel about all of this? If you don't want to do the "follower" bit, just reply to me at I would really love to hear from you. Have a great week end!!!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Looters, Moochers, and Payoors.
Nearly 50% of Americans pay no taxes. Nearly 50% of Americans think they pay just about the right amount of taxes. What do you want to bet that the two groups are the same people? Way too many Americans have what I call the "Robin Hood" mentality. Take from them that's got, even if you have to rob and steal it, and give to them that don't got. (I learned my grammar and spelling in the government schools).
I believe in usage taxes. If you use it you should pay or be taxed to support its existence for your benefit,no matter how much or little money you make. If you are completely unable to work and take care of yourself, go to your family first for help, then go to your church, and finally if you can't get any help there or after their generosity runs out, come to us, the American public, and as we have done since the beginning of this Republic, we will help you out. We have taken care of you and many around the world because we are a blessed nation, a God fearing nation, and we believe that where much is given much is expected and we have done that over and over and over again.
Now, however, we have a government in Washington that wants to destroy all that. They want to apologize for who and what we are and our way of life. I don't know about you but I have nothing to apologize for as an American. They want us to become government dependent. I want to become government independent. They have chosen to govern by force, back room deals and do whatever it takes to accomplish their agenda. I have chosen to try and remove them from office by working night and day to get them "unelected" They have chosen to govern in arrogance and deaf to the voice of the American people. I have chosen to fire them with civility, which in some cases they don't deserve, through raising the decibels of the voices of the American people to the level,THAT EVEN A DEAF PERSON COULD HEAR!
We are not going to argue and talk over each other like the talk show entertainers on television do while they sell each others books. WE ARE GOING TO VOTE YOU OUT OF OFFICE! We are not going to "hope" somebody else will do this for us, WE are going to do it ourselves. I hope that you will let history be your guide and say to yourself, "I've heard it all before" and think that this is all a lot of blah, blah, blah. Go ahead and think of us as just to busy to do anything about the fact that some of you are crooks, liars, adulterers, dishonest, untrustworthy and disapproved of by 80% of the American people. And that's just the short list!
When the smoke clears on election day in November 2010 and 2012, we will have been heard and many of you, possibly on both sides of the aisle, will be and should be GONE! Not retired, fired! We are not going to throw you a "going away" party, or give you a gold watch, though some of your pensions may look like it, figuratively we are going to "tar and feather" you and "run you out of town on a rail". We are not going to name roads and schools after you because your legacy will not support it. We are not going to pay you $50,000 for a speech or put your picture up in any conspicuous place. There won't be any statues of you in the town square. But in the minds of those of us who have suffered through you, you will be elected to the "Hall of Shame".
I'm sorry, do I sound bitter? I AM! You are incapable of being "loved" into doing what you should be doing for us. We have suffered in silence long enough. We have been patient and long suffering. NOW, however it is time to "chase the moneychangers from the temple" Even the Lord's patience had limits. And you are about to find out, though we don't put ourselves in the same category with him, that so do we! Good riddance!
If you like, reply to: Thanks!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Article II, Section II, Clause II reads.....
So now the process begins. Justice John Paul Stevens has, some might consider, a liberal bent. The President therefore will be replacing a liberal justice with no doubt another liberal justice. It is an interesting thing about justices though, some times they have been known to render opinions much different than one might have expected. We can only hope that the new Justice realizes that her/his job is to look at a case in light of the Constitution and not to legislate.
This process will probably turn into a very bi-partisan battle over whomever the nominee/s might be with the current climate in Washington. Wouldn't it be something if they just looked around and found the best qualified jurist they could find and have the confirmation process be a public review and consideration of their qualifications to be a keeper on the Constitution. Watch carefully how your Senator performs during this process. Let them know who you feel might be a good justice and the President to. Let's hope it doesn't turn out to be the circus it usually is.
The Supreme Court has more long term effect on most things that come before it, than the Congress or the President.One of the best things you and I can do is to read and keep close a copy of the Constitution so that we can follow the cases that can have such a far reaching effect.One of the things that I believe has been lacking in the 3 part government system, is you and I letting the Supreme Court and other jurists, know how we feel about the job they are doing. Our government of checks and balances needs to be balanced by yours and my opinion well expressed. Judges are not "off limits". It's up to you and I to let them, the judges, know how we feel also.
The system can be turned in our favor if we will just get involved. Let's make it a resolution to do the things that we have already talked about in this blog to keep a "check" on the system and now add the judges to it as well.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
The Way to Your Congressman's/Senator's Heart!
and you will find out exactly what your Congressman has as income and expenses from the government. It's only 15 pages. Send a copy of what you find, what is of interest to you or whatever your just curious about, to their Washington Office and their local constituent office and ask them for the details of how that money was spent by them. Can that be found online? I am not sure. I believe it is more important that we ask THEM for direction and information, after all we hired them, we pay them and we want an accounting. You of course can do the same thing for your Senators.
What we have forgot, and they are really glad we did, is that we hire them, they serve at our pleasure, they are accountable to us, and we can and will FIRE them if necessary. Funny, that sounds like something most of us have lived with all of our working lives. What a novel idea that it should apply to them :).
A response that is not acceptable is a response from them sending us back to the link that I have included. The only acceptable response is one that clearly indicates they are clearly providing the income and expenses for your particular Congressman/Senator. This is not confidential information. They will try to put you off. Don't let them. We have the Freedom of Information Act if need be. But what Congressman/Senator would want to hide anything regarding the salary and expenses, that WE pay them, from us? If you get such a response, I would like to hear about it here. Anyone who gets such a response, please post the name of the Congressman/Senator here and I will see that all the newspapers in their District get a copy of the post and any others that might find it of interest.
Another response that is not acceptable is a response that indicates that the Congressman/Senator get so many emails, letters, or phone calls that he/she can not respond to them all. BALONEY!!! We give them money to have people to do just that WITH them, not for them. THAT'S THEIR JOB. Keep a copy of everything you do communication wise so that the next time the the Congressman/Senator is in town and doing something in public, you can appropriately confront him/her on their lack of attention to their BOSS!!!. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, KEEP COPIES OF EVERYTHING!!!!
Well now that ought to be a real incentive to hold a public forum back in their District ASAP. By the way, request a copy of their schedule for as far out as they have it for when and where their public appearances, town hall meetings, will be so we can be there to greet them!Don't let them tell you they don't have it or that it is too fluid a situation. They plan and know those things weeks if not months ahead. Also Google their names once a week to see what they are up to that you might not otherwise know about,and look at their website EVERY WEEK!
That is just a start. I have many more things to share and tell you about, that if you choose, can help you hold your elected representatives much more accountable and for us to "STOP TEACHING THEM TO IGNORE US"! I would like to think that if we all do this that someday they will "get it" and we could relax a little. NEVER!! Not in this or any other lifetime! The WHO is us, the time is NOW!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Pain Drives Change!
In the 2008 Presidential election, approximately 61% of the total eligible voters actually voted. Only 70% of the those eligible to register had done so. That means that 61% of the 70% elected this administration. Compare this to Australia where 98% vote and other countries whose record should give us great reason to pause and ask ourselves the question,"why have the American people opted out of the process"? No wonder the "political thugs" in Washington don't worry about us.
Maybe we should go to Washington and have a protest March or send Tea Bags to Congress. Or maybe we should ask ourselves the question: "What kind of pain would make them change their ways"? Having been a White House appointee, legislator, Director of Field Operations for a statewide Presidential campaign, let me make some suggestions.
Though the House speaker made it "look like" some of her party would have to "throw themselves on the pyre of political martyrdom" she really doesn't care. The "agenda" is all that counts. They all want to get re-elected and the thought of have to find a "real job" is almost incomprehensible. We must RETIRE every one of them that won't listen, put in term limits to stop this ascension by age not ability, and you can only do this in the States. ALL POLITICS ARE LOCAL, DON'T EVER FORGET THAT. The answer is where you live, not in Washington.
Stop for now the letters, emails and phone calls. They are too easily ignored.Start showing up at your Congressman and Senators constituent office where you live. Let them see you, hear you and know that you are not going away until their is absolute proof that "they have changed", not that they are GOING to change. GOING never seems to happen. Empty promises is all we get.
The first and most important step for us right now is to let them know we are no longer The Silent Majority. Silence is no longer a part of our vocabulary. They will test us to see if they can give us "token" responses and then we will go back to the way we were. NO LONGER! Token anything will not get it from now on. Be on notice, "we are awake, we are now and forever vigilant, and we will never go away again!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
True Grit.......
We have lost the respect that we once had in the world because we seem to be a nation out of control. A nation who can no long be counted on and trusted. I believe we owe no one an apology unless, it be for letting people who will not do our will nor listen to us, rise to our nations leadership and take the country down a horribly destructive path. WE allowed it to happen and we have no one to blame but ourselves.
"It is too big and too out of control you say for us to do anything about it" That's their line, the ones who fed it to us in the beginning and want us to really believe it. The ones that want it not to be government by the people but government by the government!! Those of either party who just want their "cushy" jobs to continue while the country suffers. Why do you think that they "exempted" themselves from certain provisions of the health care reform that you and I have to live with. They believe they are "special" "privileged" and don't have to abide by the same rules as everybody else. As someone said the other day, so succinctly, "We are no longer citizens, we are SUBJECTS".
You CAN'T wait on the Tea Partiers, or the Republican or the Democrats or the Independents or the Libertarians. You have got to get involved and do this for yourself. If we wait for "somebody" else to do it, it will NEVER GET DONE!!! Maybe Beck or Hannity or whoever else will do it? Is that what you think? THINK AGAIN. They are way to busy promoting their own agendas, their own books and the books of others. They are ENTERTAINERS!! When will we get it through our heads that they are about "ratings", not change.
We have got to stop waiting for somebody else to do what we know needs to be done. We do this as a nation, not a group with a title and an agenda, but millions of Americans who have both a sense of history and destiny. If you are one of those, there is no more time to wait or waste. We are needed now. It is time for us to put OUR shoulder to the wheel and do the HEAVY LIFTING because the price of us not doing so would be beyond calculation, beyond dollars and cents, and beyond future American's ability to comprehend how and why WE let this happen to us and them. Don't call your Congressman or your Senator, CALL YOURSELF!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Where Are The Statesmen?
Death threats and violence have no place in this country in our debates over what things should be done for the good of the American people. I condemn those actions vehemently.
What has happened to our political process that makes it very difficult to even get the best people in our country to even want to think about running for high political office? What has happened that allows elected officials to hold and maintain office even after committing crimes and acts of emotional violence against their families? How is it that people will say of a crooked politician, "Well at least he is OUR crooked politician."
We as a people have lost sight of the "greater good" If we have a high profile Congressman/Congresswoman or Senator in our district or State, way to often we are only interested in "what have you done for me lately" than we are them being an effective part of the national conversation about what is best for "all the people". I believe that we have become selfish. Selfish to the point that we don't care whose ox is getting gored as long as it is not OUR ox! We have ALLOWED a system, based on seniority, name recognition, money and power, to foster candidates who take advantage of our lost vision.
Have you ever heard someone say, "It doesn't matter who we elect, they all turn out the same way." As if there is a defective gene in anyone who wins an election, that turns them into something they hadn't intended to be. Nonsense! They are absorbed into a system that WE ALLOWED to develop. I have talked with members of Congress who say "well it's better to COMPROMISE MY VALUES and stay in there so I at least maybe can do some good" In this system that compromise is at first a chink, then a crack and finally a bottomless pit.
We must change this system so that their whole lives aren't about getting re-elected. We need term limits, 5 two year terms for Congress and 2 six year terms for Senators or some limitations that lets them know, IT IS GOING TO END,and allows them to vote on the issues not their party leaders dictates. If you and I will get involved enough, and please don't tell me you don't have the time, MAKE TIME, and become "partners" with our elected officials, we can give them backbone when necessary and a kick in the butt when necessary.
Never in my lifetime has there been a time with this much momentum for fixing something that a majority of American people feel is broken. Thousands will show up in Searchlight, NV this weekend to confront the House Majority Leader for his part in the Obamanation they call Health Care Reform. When was the last time that happened? Between now and November let your voice be heard by your representatives. But in November, let it be "the vote heard round the world" as we take back our country and our government. But let that only be the beginning. EVER VIGILANT has to be our mantra from now on. I know we can do this. I have faith in you. Have faith in yourselves and you will find the strength to do what we have to do, by law,
by faith and by remembering: "In God We Trust"
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
What Will History Record?
But this act has also steeled my determination. I have watched the American people elect a President they knew almost nothing about. And what they did know they ignored. We did not just elect a new President, we gave encouragement to the people who want to destroy the freedom, liberty and will of this great nation. They want to enslave us.
I believe that if we, after today, go back to our lives of passive involvement in our government, they will get away with it. I believe that generations to come, if we just stand by and let this happen, will ask of our generation, "why didn't they stop it?." We will be gone, and all that will remain will be our legacy which may well be entitled "The Worst Generation".
This does not have to be. It is not inevitable! Let then history record that we saw the danger, we girded up our loins and we fought, some even to the death, but we prevailed. For we are a God fearing nation, not a man fearing nation. The world has always turned to us when they are in need, and we respond. It needs to be, that in this world, there has to be nation state that will preserve or protect not only our own liberty, but that of others who seek to be free and unafraid.
That is our destiny. And although this nations Constitution shall "hang as if by a thread" we shall not let it break. We are a good people, I really believe that. History may record that we lost our way for a while, but let it also record that it
was us, the children of a loving God, that found our moral compass once more, and prevailed in the end. Our reward to be, at the end of days, when we hear, "well done though good and faithful servants"
Sunday, March 21, 2010
The President Without A Country
by Pat Boone
© 2010
"We're no longer a Christian nation." – President Barack Obama, June 2007
"America has been arrogant." – President Barack Obama
"After 9/11, America didn't always live up to her ideals."
– President Barack Obama
"You might say that America is a Muslim nation."
– President Barack Obama, Egypt 2009
Thinking about these and other statements made by the man who wears the title of president … I keep wondering what country he believes he's president of.
In one of my very favorite stories, Edward Everett Hale's "The Man without a Country," a young Army lieutenant named Philip Nolan stands condemned for treason during the Revolutionary War, having come under the influence of Aaron Burr. When the judge asks him if he wishes to say anything before sentence is passed, young Nolan defiantly exclaims, "Damn the United States! I wish I might never hear of the United States again!"
The stunned silence in the courtroom is palpable, pulsing. After a long pause, the judge soberly says to the angry lieutenant: "You have just pronounced your own sentence. You will never hear of the United States again. I sentence you to spend the rest of your life at sea, on one or another of this country's naval vessels – under strict orders that no one will ever speak to you again about the country you have just cursed."
And so it was. Philip Nolan was taken away and spent the next 40 years at sea, never hearing anything but an occasional slip of the tongue about America. The last few pages of the story, recounting Nolan's dying hours in his small stateroom – now turned into a shrine to the country he foreswore – never fail to bring me to tears. And I find my own love for this dream, this miracle called America, refreshed and renewed. I know how blessed and unique we are.
Is Shariah law coming to a court near you? Get "Stealth Jihad" – Robert Spencer's expose about efforts to quietly establish the Muslim system in Amerca
But reading and hearing the audacious, shocking statements of the man who was recently elected our president – a young black man living the impossible dream of millions of young Americans, past and present, black and white – I want to ask him, "Just what country do you think you're president of?"
You surely can't be referring to the United States of America, can you? America is emphatically a Christian nation, and has been from its inception! Seventy percent of her citizens identify themselves as Christian. The Declaration of Independence and our Constitution were framed, written and ratified by Christians. It's because this was, and is, a nation built on and guided by Judeo-Christian biblical principles that you, sir, have had the inestimable privilege of being elected her president.
You studied law at Harvard, didn't you, sir? You taught constitutional law in Chicago? Did you not ever read the statement of John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and an author of the landmark "Federalist Papers": "Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers – and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation – to select and prefer Christians for their rulers"?
In your studies, you surely must have read the decision of the Supreme Court in 1892: "Our lives and our institutions must necessarily be based upon and embody the teachings of the Redeemer of mankind. It is impossible that it should be otherwise; and in this sense and to this extent our civilization and our institutions are emphatically Christian."
Did your professors have you skip over all the high-court decisions right up till the mid 1900s that echoed and reinforced these views and intentions? Did you pick up the history of American jurisprudence only in 1947, when for the first time a phrase coined by Thomas Jefferson about a "wall of separation between church and state" was used to deny some specific religious expression – contrary to Jefferson's intent with that statement?
Or, wait a minute … were your ideas about America's Christianity formed during the 20 years you were a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ under your pastor, Jeremiah Wright? Is that where you got the idea that "America is no longer a Christian nation"? Is this where you, even as you came to call yourself a Christian, formed the belief that "America has been arrogant"?
Even if that's the understandable explanation of your damning of your country and accusing the whole nation (not just a few military officials trying their best to keep more Americans from being murdered by jihadists) of "not always living up to her ideals," how did you come up with the ridiculous, alarming notion that we might be "considered a Muslim nation"?
Is it because there are some 2 million or more Muslims living here, trying to be good Americans? Out of a current population of over 300 million, 70 percent of whom are Christians? Does that make us, by any rational definition, a "Muslim nation"?
Why are we not, then, a "Chinese nation"? A "Korean nation"? Even a "Vietnamese nation"? There are even more of these distinct groups in America than Muslims. And if the distinction you're trying to make is a religious one, why is America not "a Jewish nation"? There's actually a case to be made for the latter, because our Constitution – and the success of our Revolution and founding – owe a deep debt to our Jewish brothers.
Have you stopped to think what an actual Muslim America would be like? Have you ever really spent much time in Iran? Even in Egypt? You, having been instructed in Islam as a kid at a Muslim school in Indonesia and saying you still love the call to evening prayers, can surely picture our nation founded on the Quran, not the Judeo-Christian Bible, and living under Shariah law. Can't you? You do recall Muhammad's directives [Surah 9:5,73] to "break the cross" and "kill the infidel"?
It seems increasingly and painfully obvious that you are more influenced by your upbringing and questionable education than most suspected. If you consider yourself the president of a people who are "no longer Christian," who have "failed to live up to our ideals," who "have been arrogant," and might even be "considered Muslim" – you are president of a country most Americans don't recognize.
Could it be you are a president without a country?
Who Will Drink The Kool-Aid?
I believe that we have not had the opportunity to examine this legislation any where near as thoroughly as we need to. I believe that the Congressional Budget Office,and I am told that they admit this in their report, bases their numbers on many assumptions about what will happen in the future, especially what action future Congresses will take to make those assumptions come true. NO ONE REALLY KNOWS! I believe that our Constitution is under attack and this legislation will be challenged on it's constitutionality all the way to the Supreme Court.
A special thanks to WN and TT for all of their input,it is so appreciated. Today's vote is not the end, one way or the other. The American people, like the sleeping giant, have awakened. It will be a part of all of our jobs to be sure it never goes back to sleep again. But if it does, we will awaken it again because we are EVER VIGILANT!!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Who Do You Believe?
Good luck making any sense out of it.
The only way to know what we are really voting on or backing is to give Congress and the American public time to read it and then everybody can decide. If it is such a GOOD THING, why wouldn't you want to post your pride and joy where everybody can see it, read it, and gloat over it? Assuming that it is readable for you and me and we can follow all of the sub section references and legal terms and all the other legislation that is referenced, we should be able to understand what a few people are jamming down our throats in say, a year or so.
Someone wrote me that doing something is better than doing nothing. Really. Even when you don't know what the something is? And you can't as of now. What kind of thinking is that. Do you trust the government who has screwed up almost everything it has touched and tried to run, to overhaul and devise a health care system that represents 1/6 of the American economy. Sounds like someone who wants to be taken care of rather than taking care of themselves. Maybe you, but not me!
I had another reader send me a well thought out response as to why he told his Congressman to vote no or he will not vote for him again. But his email made sense, and he was thoughtful about what he said and I RESPECT THAT! You know who I am afraid of? Those people who know they don't know what is in the bill and I believe don't care what is in the bill, because what they are really interested in is the SOCIAL PROGRESSIVE POWER agenda, and since this bill was created in a dark room by a few select people who fit their profile of PROGRESSIVE POWER in Washington, they are willing to back it no matter what it says.
What if you are one of those "do your due diligence" kind of people. I agree with that. I think that makes sense. But why then would you abandon your "pro due diligence" ways for this piece of legislation. I thought due diligence meant checking it out, doing the research and anything else you have to to know what the heck it is your talking about? How long will that take you? Why would you then abandon your principles now? I can respect those that have principles and stick with them, but you really have to wonder when they abandon them because it is not politically expedient to stay with them. They can't have it both ways.
Sunday may or may not be the "vote". Whenever it is, I hope that all principled people will stick to their guns and work for the side they really believe in. For the political hacks, wanna be's, never were's, go watch a basketball game. You have been a spectator most of your life and that suits your decades of sitting on the sidelines. If you want to get in the game, then at least know what you are talking about. If not there will be plenty of games on Sunday.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
What they will Never tell you.
The health care reform act, at least the current version and what we have seen,and some provisions of it don't go into effect until sometime in 2014 and the President reiterated that today.If the bill is signed this Sunday, the bill allows them to start funding it on Monday. So the money that is re-directed, starting Monday, to fund health care reform, will NOT be put in a savings account to be used toward that ONE TRILLION dollar liability,it would be spent to reduce the federal deficit. ONCE IT IS SPENT, IT IS SPENT! Yet we still will owe ONE TRILLION dollars to fund a program that won't be in effect for 4 and 1/2 years, so the ONE TRILLION dollar liability will just start accumulating over that time, OR if there would be no direct cost during that time, leaves us with a ONE TRILLION bill that now has to be funded over 5 1/2 years.
If there is a direct cost starting right away, the money collected would not REDUCE the federal deficit, it would just keep it from going up 150 billion dollars a year. If that be the case, the 150 billion taken in just keeps the deficit from going UP, unless they find some other way to increase our unfunded liabilities. BUT in 4 1/2 years that will no longer be true, because as the direct cost of ONE TRILLION dollars kicks in, with no savings, we now have to find ONE TRILLION dollars over 5 1/2 years. They didn't tell you that did they.
How do you suppose they are going to raise that money. BY RAISING YOUR TAXES!!! They didn't tell you that either did they. In a country that spends today, 50% of it Gross Domestic Product on the big three entitlement programs, Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid, how much do you think that percentage will go up when this bill becomes law. They want us to be DEPENDENT on government. Now do you see why a jobs bill was not "job one". If they control 16% of the GDP through controlling health care, and create 155 new government agencies as this bill will do, they are well on their way to OWNING US!!!!.
Increasing productivity and increasing the incentives to start a business and hire people is what will put people back to work. We need to incent people to work, go to work and hire others, not look to and depend on the government to take care of them. WE NEED TO TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES! There are two kinds of people that most often will support "being taken care of", those who are lazy and haven't made anything of their lives because of their own choices, and those who believe in a socialist re-distribution of wealth.
We WILL, being the compassionate and giving people that we are, always work to take care of those who suffer harm or loss through no fault of their own. We will always give them a "hand up" to help them get back on their feet for as long as it takes.
If you are a "red blooded" American in the best sense of those that this country has produced, all you want is to be given the opportunity or take the opportunity that is all around you, and have people get out of your way so that you can do what Americans do best, work and prosper.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
How to contact your Congressman or Senator
Legislation without Representation
Why are they afraid of having their voted counted out in the open? BECAUSE THEY ARE COWARDS. They are afraid of Speaker Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Reid, and the President.Those three have convinced them that if they don't do what they want they will make them PAY dearly. They are more afraid of THEM, than they are of US.!!!There are thousands on the Capitol Mall today protesting, but nobody seems to be listening. Have you called your Congressman or Senator yet? There is still time.
How did we get to the point in this Republic, that people we don't like or trust, can break or change the rules, to pass legislation that 53% of the American people have said they don't want, and the ballot is secret? It is because WE, the American people, opted out of being a part of the political process and CHOSE to let them do it to us. If they can do this to us on health care, what is there to keep them from doing it again, and again and again. NOTHING! Have you thought about that?
It is not too late! You and I can still keep this from happening. It is only INEVITABLE if we ALLOW it to be. Burn up the phone lines to Washington, call your local television and radio stations. Let YOUR VOICE be heard!!
Tell them you will not stand for LEGISLATION without REPRESENTATION and that if they persist WE the people, will make them PAY DEARLY!
Thank you, God bless you and God bless this great nation!
Monday, March 15, 2010
You Are The Answer. You Can Make A Difference
Some say, "it's out of my hands" it to big for me to do anything about.There are only 2 kinds of people who say that. Those that don't want to get involved and/or are too scared to get involved, or who are just willing to ignore U.S. history. It has been done, make a difference, by people like you and me, and it can and should be done again, NOW!
THEY WANT YOU TO BELIEVE THAT THEY KNOW BETTER THAN YOU WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU! Do they? They will listen to you, IF we, in significant numbers, tell them NO, when we believe that what they are doing and is against our country's best interest and the people's will. Why are so many people, willing to HAND OVER to people they have already said they don't TRUST, their future.
THEY want you to think that you can't do anything about what happens in government. YOU CAN. They want you to believe that it's just too big for us to get our arms around. IT ISN'T. This is a week that history will record as one in which either the American people stood up for themselves, or CHOSE to do nothing and suffered the consequences. Those, in the future, whose futures were mortgaged by us financially, and whose rights were trampled by us TODAY, acquiescing to the dictates of people who were only interested in their power and putting government chains on America's people.
They want to break us and we are letting them. They want to bankrupt us and we are letting them. They want to enslave us and we are letting them. Our posterity amidst their tears will be asking the question: "What were they thinking." May the "God in whom we trust" when the government hangs as if by a thread, have mercy on us for this act of negligence.
May God bless this great nation and forgive us for our trespasses!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Blind Sided?
Let me take a guess. 36 have already bailed by not running for re-election.The Democrats who will lose their seats because of this vote won't be around anymore either to have to answer for this or because they will be on their congressional pensions.The Republicans aren't fighting because they want the power back in Washington.So they sit back and watch the Democrats go down in flames, and all the while your and my children's and grandchildren's future gets mortgaged. So it's not about what's good for the American people, it's all about HAVING, HOLDING OR GETTING BACK THE POWER. The public " be da_ _ed"
No one but a handful have even seen what is in this bill. The Democrat leadership is about to use a rule in the House that lets them pass legislation saying that they voted on the Senate version of health care, even when they haven't. This, then allows them to take the Senate bill, finish changing it and put all the pork barrel projects in it to bribe the members just like they did in Nebraska and Louisiana.
Then they add school funding and other things that have nothing to do with this bill, so they can say their opponents are voting against motherhood and apple pie issues, that members would normally not vote against. But they have to to defeat this horrendous health care bill. All because Rep. Pelosi, Rep. Hoyer, Sen. Reid and the President have decided they want control of 16% of the GDP of the U.S. to further break this country. That is what this legislation is all about, BREAKING the bank, back and will of the American people.
If they succeed, then this administration will have taken a giant step toward socialism in health care and will be on to socializing as much as they can. They know they can be tossed out in 2010 and 2012, but they don't care. The damage will be done and they are counting on the fact that the American people don't have the backbone and will to undo what they are about to do to us.
If, this week, we are not calling our representatives, taking to the streets, and doing whatever we have to to stop them from running over us because we set back and say, "oh I have my job, my family, my golf game and I am too busy to get involved", if we do that then we are a part of the problem, not a part of the solution. That's what got us here, "DOING NOTHING"! We are not getting blind sided .We saw what was coming and CHOSE not to do anything to stop it. Don't count on someone else to do this, DO IT YOURSELF!
God bless this great nation!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Who Will Put on the Armour and Fight?
What do you do when you are a zealot for particular cause, thought you had the votes to get what you wanted, and an election in Massachusetts upsets your apple cart? You try to change or bend the rules so that you can get what you want by a different set of rules. In Congress it is called reconciliation. Both parties have done it, BUT is now the time to skirt the process when what you are trying to drive down the throats of Congress and the American people represents 1/5th of the entire U.S. budget? And when ALL polls show that a majority of the American people don't want it, and the reform their hearing about, because they can't see it because it is being done behind closed doors by a small handful of people who don't want you to see it until it's to late, SUCKS!!
Why do you think they think they can be so brazen? Because they think they can get away with it. And history many times has proven them right. Are you willing NOW to finally get out of your doldrums and fight for what you believe in? I hope so because a huge piece of our future depends on whether you and I say"let somebody else do it" or we sum up the courage to stand up and take on those who think they can do anything to us and because of our apathy, GET AWAY WITH IT!!!!
If not US who, if not now WHEN! It is OUR time and this is the PLACE to get involved.
God bless you and God bless our marvelous nation.
p.s. Our thoughts and prayers are with Sen. Reid and his family as his wife and daughter struggle for life after their car accident today in Washington.
Thank you!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Taking Our Country Back
How do we fix it? First, by imposing term limits. Second, by becoming the "spine" of the representative so they have more to fear from us than the House Speaker or Senate Majority Leader. Third, holding them accountable and letting them hear from us. Age, or seniority, should not determine yours and my future. What should determine it is because they serve us not the other way around. Why do you think this President and Congressional Leadership ignore us? It is because they believe, based on history, they have no fear of reprisal from us when they jam things down our throat. You and I can make sure those days are gone. Let's stand up together and let them know their arrogance and ego-maniacal agenda will not stand. They work for us, not the other way around. IF NOT NOW WHEN, IF NOT US WHO?
Be Ever Vigilant!
Monday, March 8, 2010
"Don't let them demonize the "American Spirit"
Be Ever Vigilant!
700 plus hits that last post!!! Thanks America!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
State of the Union
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
A Billion Here, A Billion There, sooner ............
Monday, January 25, 2010
Who got caught with their "pants on the ground"?
Somebody got caught with their "pants on the ground"! Watch for the so-called "populous" message to start showing up everywhere. One thing politicians are great at is changing stripes or direction when the polls or the electorate give them a wake up call like they did in Massachusetts. Now lets not kid ourselves, the D's are still D's in MA and the R's are still R's. But this shows us what happens when unadulterated arrogance gets to full of itself. We, you and I, need to opt back into the political process so that "they", Washington, doesn't get back to business as usual. Let's not wait until the last minute to show up again. If government has to be involved, let most of it be at the state level. It's tooooo easy for state and local politicians to escape the heat by saying, " it's Washington's fault, blame them". Let's put the government part in all of this as close to us as we can, so that they can hear our voices, loud and often. Even the words of the now celebrated General from Georgia have a lot to say about "people acting like fools". Have a great day and "God Bless America".