As I write this there is a room full of our elected representatives, waiting on the entrance of the President to sign the legislation that I believe will be the biggest mistake of government in my lifetime. We elected them, but they would not listen to us. This law is going to shackle and chain our nation going forward financially and encourage a path of government by the government, for the government and through the government. We must ensure that they never get the chance to do this to us again.
But this act has also steeled my determination. I have watched the American people elect a President they knew almost nothing about. And what they did know they ignored. We did not just elect a new President, we gave encouragement to the people who want to destroy the freedom, liberty and will of this great nation. They want to enslave us.
I believe that if we, after today, go back to our lives of passive involvement in our government, they will get away with it. I believe that generations to come, if we just stand by and let this happen, will ask of our generation, "why didn't they stop it?." We will be gone, and all that will remain will be our legacy which may well be entitled "The Worst Generation".
This does not have to be. It is not inevitable! Let then history record that we saw the danger, we girded up our loins and we fought, some even to the death, but we prevailed. For we are a God fearing nation, not a man fearing nation. The world has always turned to us when they are in need, and we respond. It needs to be, that in this world, there has to be nation state that will preserve or protect not only our own liberty, but that of others who seek to be free and unafraid.
That is our destiny. And although this nations Constitution shall "hang as if by a thread" we shall not let it break. We are a good people, I really believe that. History may record that we lost our way for a while, but let it also record that it
was us, the children of a loving God, that found our moral compass once more, and prevailed in the end. Our reward to be, at the end of days, when we hear, "well done though good and faithful servants"
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