Thursday, March 11, 2010

Who Will Put on the Armour and Fight?

What do 19 Republican and 16 Democrat Members of Congress have in common with Congressman Patrick Kennedy? They are all NOT running for re-election. Why? Because they either don't like the way things are being handled in Washington, apparently by both parties, or they all have served long enough and are now eligible for their government service pensions or they are still scared of reprisal even though they are not up or re-election. What kind of a system can stifle members of Congress from standing up for what they believe? A ROTTEN one!! Congressman Kennedy, yesterday took out his frustration on the House floor for everyone to see. Sen. Evan Bayh of Indiana has shared some not so complimentary remarks about how he has been treated by his own party. That's 2 out of 36. Oh yes, there's Congressman Massa of New York who seems to have his own set of problems. So OK maybe that's 3. What about the other 33? Would they like to be able to speak out and now hopefully with no fear of political or other backlash? Will they? Stay tuned for them!

What do you do when you are a zealot for particular cause, thought you had the votes to get what you wanted, and an election in Massachusetts upsets your apple cart? You try to change or bend the rules so that you can get what you want by a different set of rules. In Congress it is called reconciliation. Both parties have done it, BUT is now the time to skirt the process when what you are trying to drive down the throats of Congress and the American people represents 1/5th of the entire U.S. budget? And when ALL polls show that a majority of the American people don't want it, and the reform their hearing about, because they can't see it because it is being done behind closed doors by a small handful of people who don't want you to see it until it's to late, SUCKS!!

Why do you think they think they can be so brazen? Because they think they can get away with it. And history many times has proven them right. Are you willing NOW to finally get out of your doldrums and fight for what you believe in? I hope so because a huge piece of our future depends on whether you and I say"let somebody else do it" or we sum up the courage to stand up and take on those who think they can do anything to us and because of our apathy, GET AWAY WITH IT!!!!

If not US who, if not now WHEN! It is OUR time and this is the PLACE to get involved.

God bless you and God bless our marvelous nation.

p.s. Our thoughts and prayers are with Sen. Reid and his family as his wife and daughter struggle for life after their car accident today in Washington.

Thank you!

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