Because what feeds each issue is the same. Goldman Sachs is the kind of entity that everybody loves to hate, and I am sure in some cases for good reason. But the same may be said for everybody who is without hating everyone who has. There is a segment of our society, not just politicians, who love to pray and incite on this for their own purposes. The thinking is maybe I can divert attention from what I am doing by making an easy target look bad in the public eye, i.e., Goldman Sachs.
On the other hand I can approach it this way, in a country where most everybody is scared to death of being politically incorrect and every minority cause in the country uses that against anybody who disagrees with them, we can allow the 450,000 illegals already in Arizona to continue to break the law in hopes that somehow we can get them falsified paperwork so they can vote for us the next election,i.e., Arizona's new immigration law.
An elected official at any level, but assuredly at the national level, will do whatever they have to to get re-elected. That's all that matters. So if it means excoriating 5 executives form Goldman Sachs publicly, while taking millions upon millions of dollars from them for campaign contributions privately, that is just what we will do. Goldman Sachs has already agreed to be the whipping boy you see, in a previously arranged agreement. What most people don't understand is that they are willing to take this "ever so often embarrassment" because the real payoff is worth it. So whip me publicly, just keep the money coming.
In Arizona where some people have "stepped up" why do we have so many people protesting against us stopping people from breaking the law? Mexico's laws are more harsh than ours against illegals. But who would want to sneak in there? How do all of these protesters get time off of work to do all of this protesting? If they are employed, are they getting fired for missing work or have we taught employers to be so afraid of enforcing their own rules, they give them a "pass".
People whose main goal everyday is to stay in office for life if they can, are driven by whatever it takes so that they can continue to live in style to which they have become accustomed. ANYTHING. As long as our system, and that means you and I, continue to support political office as a privileged and never ending job, this problem is not going to go away. We support it by supporting seniority as a way for us individually or us as a state or district getting special treatment because we have a long serving representative, NO MATTER WHAT THE COST TO THE REST OF THE COUNTRY!!! If we do it with our elected officials do we also do it in business and other organizations? Of course we do because we don't care who else's ox gets gored as long as it isn't ours. Are we no longer our brothers keeper?
Those 5 men who were in front of Congress yesterday testifying, all make well over 1 million dollars a year according to my sources. What would you do or say to protect that income? Have they broken the law? I don't know, someone other venue will decide that, but they sure are fun to be against just because they make so much money. Why don't they give it to us or to charity? How dare they go to college, or not, get good jobs, raise families and put their kids in private school and drive nice cars when they could be like me and just sit here and criticize. The nerve of them!
We have taught them to ignore us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And we will continue to pay the price as long as " the best way for bad to prevail, is for the good to do nothing" rings hollow in our ears. God bless you and God bless this great nation!
I fear we are losing more then we are aware of. Every day these congressmen and women meet they steal our freedoms. They already control what wattage light bulb we put in our homes, and what kind of toilet seat we use. Meanwhile we don't know what they are doing to our liberties because while they are passing laws, we are watching anti-Arizona protests and Goldman Sachs hearing on TV. While we slept, our freedom was stolen.