Friday, April 23, 2010

Wailing Wall st.

How do you stand in front of Wall Streets "t1tans" and excoriate them for their alleged practices that brought this country into it's current financial crisis, especially when the President of Goldman Sachs was in the 5th row?

When all in the room had been talked, with previously and privately, before yesterday and were told: "we have to do this for the public to see, so that I look good, me the President that is, and it looks like I am demonizing you." "Oh, and you Goldman Sachs, don't mind what we are doing publicly,(wink,wink)and just keep on sending those hundreds of thousand of dollars in contributions to my campaign (wink, wink)."

Is the American public as stupid as that little dog and pony show would have to lead us to believe? If we are, things are going to get a lot worse before they ever get better. If you are waiting on the current leadership of the Republicans to lead the way to get us out of this, forget it. THEY ARE OUTCLASSED!! John Boehner and Mitch McConnell are pathetic!! Hey guys, you are dealing with a "community organizer" a "street fighter" and you guys are wusses.

Go ahead and play "Mr. Nice Guy" and you are going to continue to get your butts kicked around the block. The "other side of the aisle" needs somebody with brass b _ _ _ s! I can tell you this, when I took my White House appointment, it took me about two days to understand how Washington worked. How stupid is it to be against something just because the other side is for it. Don't you read history? Didn't you watch how Scott Brown got elected? It's the INDEPENDENTS stupid! Their numbers have changed the rules, the whole ball game.

The Dems didn't get it in Massachusetts and they got their head handed to them on a silver platter. But I bet they get it now. THE RULES HAVE CHANGED! GET IT! That is why you, those of you who are reading this, are getting back into the arena and back into the game. Now what we have to do is find a way to bring together everybody who is a part of this "awakening", and organize it in a new way. Enough of trying to find our "savior", a one or two or whatever number leadership is to risky. We need someone who can keep us organized and yet let America know this is about ALL of us.

Make no mistake about it, this President is not about keeping the America I grew up in alive. He is about destroying it! This Congress is not about helping you find the American dream, it is about "enslaving" you to the government. If you really, really care, I would like to hear from you. We get 1000's of hits, but few responses. Are you to busy to let all those people hear how YOU feel about all of this? If you don't want to do the "follower" bit, just reply to me at I would really love to hear from you. Have a great week end!!!

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