Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Do It For Yourself!

I can only imagine the sense of anticipation that the original patriots of the revolution had as they planned for establishing this great nation. I have the same sense as we plan to start taking our country back on November 2nd. But as they must have felt then, we must understand now, that a revolution needs to take place in order to re-establish "a more perfect union". There is one significant difference though. They KNEW that this was only the beginning of a very long process. We haven't learned YET that the day at the ballot box is only the "first shot" and that we if we are not persistent, vigilant and relentless in our follow up, we will leave the polls on November 2nd thinking we have won the battle, only to loose the war.

We have taught them to ignore us. Too many Americans believe that the problem is with somebody else's Congressman or Senator, not theirs. That is why we re-elect over and over again people who should be fired and have to find a real job. We have taught them that if they raise enough money in most instances they can get re-elected, regardless of their voting record which most people have never looked at. We have taught them, and allowed, a seniority system to drive how we vote. Instead of electing or re-electing them based on what their committee assignment will be or how many earmarks they can bring back home, it needs to be their record on voting for the overall well being of the country, not just their district.

Do you trust the "sound bytes" that you see and/or hear on your television? Do you believe what you see in the political ads, both positive and negative? Do you believe that the media slants things to suit their own purposes? We are manipulated, everyday, by what we see and hear because we won't do the grunt work to find out the real facts on our own. And they know it! Do you have conversations in your family about how you are too busy to get involved so we will let somebody else do it? Well, somebody else IS doing it and how is that working out for you?

Our actions and our thinking have become myopic. We are guilty of what in business is called "silo" thinking. We mistakenly believe that as long as we take care of and get rewarded for what is going on in our little corner of the world, that we don't need nor should we care about what is going on outside of it. WRONG! Silo thinking has ruined and is ruining companies today and it has and will ruin countries while the fiddler plays and Rome burns.

Some people ask me "where do we start" or "there are so many things to fix what should we work on first"? Start with YOURSELF! You can't fix anything unless you/we work an making sure we are a part of the solution, not a part of the problem. I may not agree with what you say, but I defend to the death your right to express it. BUT, I am not even hearing from you. Why don't you comment on this blog? To busy, don't care or are you just glad somebody else is doing it so you don't have to. BUT YOU DO HAVE TO! We all need to hear from you. I want to know what you think. Do you agree or disagree with what I am saying here.

You and I TOGETHER can make a difference and create a more responsive government than we have now. I can't do it by myself, I need your help. Over 6000 people now see this blog. How many more could if you would send a copy of it to everyone on your email list. PLEASE do that for America! Thank you!



  1. From Steve Cohn (addreamers):

    I'm not sure what anybody means by "take our country back" -- the implications scare me. What we really need to do is take the process back. The answer is open primaries to dilute the power of the parties. The only thing that parties do today is create gridlock in Washington and the state capitals. Independents are shutout of the process.

    California recently became the fourth state to require open primaries -- all candidates run in one primary and the top two (I would prefer the top three) run in November. If they both happen to be of one party, so be it. An open primary will dilute the power of the wingnuts (right and left). An open primary in Delaware would have been a Castle/Coons/O'Donnell race and a moderate Republican like Castle would have won. Moderate members of each party don't win primaries anymore because of the wings but what if all candidates ran and all voters, including independents were able to vote. I'm fairly sure we'd get more moderate, centric leaders who go to work to DO something, not play wing politics.

  2. Wingnuts, I like that. It perfectly describes what the seniority system in Washington has fostered. The idea of an open primary is a good one and would be healthy for the system.
