Friday, May 21, 2010

Protest vs Attest

Have YOU read the Arizona law SB 1270? Here is the link:

Now you have done more than the Attorney General of the United States and the head of Homeland Security combined. You are IN THE KNOW!

People will protest almost anything they don't like. However, they don't seem to be able to find the time to ATTEST to something they agree with publicly. Being against something is easy and it is news. Being for something is considered "not worth the effort".

Where do you stand on this Arizona immigration law discussion? First, have you read the law? I have made it easy for you to do so. Do you care? Well after all that's in Arizona and if you live elsewhere do you really give a flip? If you have read the law, and I have, all 17 pages word for word, if you agree with it who have you let know you agree? Or are you one of the faceless numbers in the polls that say around 74% of Americans agree with what Arizona has done even though most of them have never read the law either.

So now, has this developed into an emotional standoff between those for the law who have never read it versus those who oppose the law and have not read it. All we are hearing from is "suspect" persons on the news, whose agenda's are clear, how they feel about the law whether they have read it or not. It seems to make for "sensationalism" in the news cast and after all if it is on the news doesn't it have to be true? No,it doesn't.

Now the government, today, has indicated that it may not cooperate with Arizona in dealing with and/or deporting people that have been proven to be illegal in Arizona, because the Obama Administration believes that it should only be done through a "comprehensive federal policy" which no one can agree on.

So where are we? Arizona now has approximately 460,000 illegal immigrants living in the state. They have broken the law if they are there illegally. The Arizona legislature has done something about what they consider to be a problem, and the Governor has agreed and signed the legislation. California and other states want to punish Arizona for what they have done by not doing business with Arizona or it entities. Arizona want to cut off their electricity.

People who have broken the laws of the United States and continue to do so and their supporters both legal and illegal, have successfully, so far, used our good will and our good nature against us while enlisting the help of the Democratically controlled White House and Congress who need THEIR VOTES to help them continue to break the law. Do you see anything wrong with this picture?

The reason that Arizona is having such a difficult time defending itself, is that the 74% of Americans who agree with them aren't showing up. They have no face expect in a poll. I don't see my Senators or Congresspersons showing up, is yours? WHY NOT? Because we are afraid of what people will think and what could happen to us if we do the right thing. How did we get to the point in this country that a majority of the people are afraid of any minority group of people who are either breaking the law or doing against the will of the people whatever they choose. How? By the majority being, silent, afraid, to busy, not caring or by believing that the worst could never happen in the United States of America. It can, it has started, and the only question left, is will we do anything to stop it?


  1. I suggest that we put into place for the USA the same immigration law that Mexico has...very simple.

  2. Originally citizenship was handled by the state's. That was, atleast, untill the Democratic party was afraid of losing votes to the new Republican party that had just showed up. After that, the federal government seized control of the issue. Now the Federal Government has shown it can no long handle that task. I think maybe all state's should pass a law like Arizona's.
