The President said today that even though the health care reform bill will cost nearly ONE TRILLION over the next 10 years, that it will reduce the federal deficit by 150 billion dollars. How can a health care bill reduce the deficit by 150 billion dollars? Here's how and what they are not telling you.
The health care reform act, at least the current version and what we have seen,and some provisions of it don't go into effect until sometime in 2014 and the President reiterated that today.If the bill is signed this Sunday, the bill allows them to start funding it on Monday. So the money that is re-directed, starting Monday, to fund health care reform, will NOT be put in a savings account to be used toward that ONE TRILLION dollar liability,it would be spent to reduce the federal deficit. ONCE IT IS SPENT, IT IS SPENT! Yet we still will owe ONE TRILLION dollars to fund a program that won't be in effect for 4 and 1/2 years, so the ONE TRILLION dollar liability will just start accumulating over that time, OR if there would be no direct cost during that time, leaves us with a ONE TRILLION bill that now has to be funded over 5 1/2 years.
If there is a direct cost starting right away, the money collected would not REDUCE the federal deficit, it would just keep it from going up 150 billion dollars a year. If that be the case, the 150 billion taken in just keeps the deficit from going UP, unless they find some other way to increase our unfunded liabilities. BUT in 4 1/2 years that will no longer be true, because as the direct cost of ONE TRILLION dollars kicks in, with no savings, we now have to find ONE TRILLION dollars over 5 1/2 years. They didn't tell you that did they.
How do you suppose they are going to raise that money. BY RAISING YOUR TAXES!!! They didn't tell you that either did they. In a country that spends today, 50% of it Gross Domestic Product on the big three entitlement programs, Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid, how much do you think that percentage will go up when this bill becomes law. They want us to be DEPENDENT on government. Now do you see why a jobs bill was not "job one". If they control 16% of the GDP through controlling health care, and create 155 new government agencies as this bill will do, they are well on their way to OWNING US!!!!.
Increasing productivity and increasing the incentives to start a business and hire people is what will put people back to work. We need to incent people to work, go to work and hire others, not look to and depend on the government to take care of them. WE NEED TO TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES! There are two kinds of people that most often will support "being taken care of", those who are lazy and haven't made anything of their lives because of their own choices, and those who believe in a socialist re-distribution of wealth.
We WILL, being the compassionate and giving people that we are, always work to take care of those who suffer harm or loss through no fault of their own. We will always give them a "hand up" to help them get back on their feet for as long as it takes.
If you are a "red blooded" American in the best sense of those that this country has produced, all you want is to be given the opportunity or take the opportunity that is all around you, and have people get out of your way so that you can do what Americans do best, work and prosper.
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