The kind of candidate I am looking for would run as and Independent and was being asked by others to do just that. Why Independent? Because otherwise they are beholden to one party or the other for everything. I would not want him/her to have to be kissing someones you no what for prime office space or plum committee assignments etc. But I am getting ahead of myself.
I would want their campaign committee to be made up of newbies, not political hacks. That includes the fundraisers etc. I would want every person who signs up to help to meet personally with the candidate and hear exactly what they stand for. There is no PAC money or anything that remotely resembles "a string attached" They would not parade a bunch of celebrity political hacks through Georgia for endorsements. Endorsements would only be sought from the voters. It would be clear that endorsements were not being sought, or even welcomed except from people who can go into that voting booth on election day and cast a vote for the candidate.
This would be a people to people campaign. It would not flood the TV with "image" ads, he/she would make themselves as available as humanly possible for people to see and ask questions about where they stand. No BS or "politically correct" because that is a part of the problem now and it mostly stems from the seniority system. The KA system as I like to call it.
The press is welcome to come along, but any questions that are asked of the candidate that try to start a "soap opera" to sell more print or air time are a waster of time and will politely be ignored. They can be a powerful ally for us in what we are trying to do, but not on their terms, it needs to be on ours. Don't ask us to judge anyone or what they are doing. God does the judging of humans. Judge what is happening, that's a different ballgame and it is fair game. This campaign will not be goaded into personality contests to satisfy some need for juicy "tid bits" for the evening news. We are looking for doer's not couch potatoes.
Once elected the District office and the Washington office will be staffed by people from the District not political wanna be's who go from politician to politician because they are too deeply embedded in what is already the problem. The Chief of Staff would be a trusted friend with no prior political experience but a lot of b _ _ _ s, and honest and trustworthy beyond question or they would be gone in a flash. Also he/she,the now Congressperson, would meet with both caucuses in Washington not just one or the other. Or probably by whoever invited them, but with the understanding that accepting the invitation means only that and nothing else.
A top priority would be term limits. 3 terms or six years for a Congressman and 1 term or 6 years for a Senator. If you have worked your tail off for the American people for 6 years, you will have done as much as you can and it is time to go home and go back to work with the rest of us. No government pension after your time is up. That's what is wrong now, everyone is working for the pension and not us. We have created a monster called a Professional Congress and not a Citizen Congress. As a citizen we can go to Washington and do all the best we can and go home and get our pension from somewhere else, like putting it away for ourselves and not depending on the government to provide it.
Lobbyist support, forget it. Make your case and then go away. Don't make any offers or promises just tell me what you have to say and then let the other side do the same and we will make up our own minds based on our "common sense". Party leadership, don't try and bribe us with committee offers or anything else unless you want to read about it in print. Play your stupid games somewhere else until we get the rules changed so that you can no longer be a dictator. Speaker of the House or Senate Majority Leadership is a one year term only. Get the picture, it is all based on a seniority system dependent on you kissing butt and living and serving long enough.
Even if it is not law yet, get out when your "term limits" definition of service is over. Be the example. Sound like something you would like to see? But are saying this can never happen, the system is to big to change! Yeah, well that is what "they" want you to think. Those that have so much invested in this anti-American system. Behind the scenes, because of the "system" they now collude together, both sides, on how to keep this "sweet thing" going. It's not about you and me, it's only about THEM!.
We have just gone through an overthrow of our government, and yes we are now chattel not citizens. What was billed as CHANGE was a disguised socialist dictatorship that they are trying to impose while we "sleep". You may be thinking "what a lot of hothead rhetoric" and you may be right. But are you willing to sit there and let what's happening to you go ahead or are you willing to listen to some "not so politically correct" talk that is aimed and getting us off our duffs and doing something before it is too late. If you want to listen to all of the same old plain pablum that got us to where we are, then go read something else. BUT if you are ready to help ensure that your kids and grand kids and beyond aren't going to have to pay the price for us "doing nothing" then stand up, get up, find your candidate and get them elected. It is possible. I promise you, IT IS POSSIBLE! You can do this!
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