The Democrat leadership in the House and Senate and the President of the United States are about to jam legislation we don't want, down our throats! If we, the American people, don't do something about it, no one else obviously is. Why aren't we hearing "loudly" from the opponents of this legislation?
Let me take a guess. 36 have already bailed by not running for re-election.The Democrats who will lose their seats because of this vote won't be around anymore either to have to answer for this or because they will be on their congressional pensions.The Republicans aren't fighting because they want the power back in Washington.So they sit back and watch the Democrats go down in flames, and all the while your and my children's and grandchildren's future gets mortgaged. So it's not about what's good for the American people, it's all about HAVING, HOLDING OR GETTING BACK THE POWER. The public " be da_ _ed"
No one but a handful have even seen what is in this bill. The Democrat leadership is about to use a rule in the House that lets them pass legislation saying that they voted on the Senate version of health care, even when they haven't. This, then allows them to take the Senate bill, finish changing it and put all the pork barrel projects in it to bribe the members just like they did in Nebraska and Louisiana.
Then they add school funding and other things that have nothing to do with this bill, so they can say their opponents are voting against motherhood and apple pie issues, that members would normally not vote against. But they have to to defeat this horrendous health care bill. All because Rep. Pelosi, Rep. Hoyer, Sen. Reid and the President have decided they want control of 16% of the GDP of the U.S. to further break this country. That is what this legislation is all about, BREAKING the bank, back and will of the American people.
If they succeed, then this administration will have taken a giant step toward socialism in health care and will be on to socializing as much as they can. They know they can be tossed out in 2010 and 2012, but they don't care. The damage will be done and they are counting on the fact that the American people don't have the backbone and will to undo what they are about to do to us.
If, this week, we are not calling our representatives, taking to the streets, and doing whatever we have to to stop them from running over us because we set back and say, "oh I have my job, my family, my golf game and I am too busy to get involved", if we do that then we are a part of the problem, not a part of the solution. That's what got us here, "DOING NOTHING"! We are not getting blind sided .We saw what was coming and CHOSE not to do anything to stop it. Don't count on someone else to do this, DO IT YOURSELF!
God bless this great nation!
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