Thursday, March 25, 2010

Where Are The Statesmen?

Have ideologues taken over in both major political parties? I believe the answer is YES! The President in his appearances today was gloating over the passage of the health care bill and taunting Republicans. Congressman John Boehner,House Minority Leader, is sending mailings all across the country asking for contributions to help make him the Speaker of the House. How about making us, the people, the Speakers of the House. Then IF, you and your colleagues do that, THEN AND ONLY THEN, should you be considered for a leadership position based on PERFORMANCE,not seniority. We don't want another "party hack" as Speaker, we want a statesman. The peoples voice is not being heard and the peoples business is not getting done! Hear us and hear us LOUD AND CLEAR, it's not about political parties, it's about the AMERICAN PEOPLE! Get it?

Death threats and violence have no place in this country in our debates over what things should be done for the good of the American people. I condemn those actions vehemently.

What has happened to our political process that makes it very difficult to even get the best people in our country to even want to think about running for high political office? What has happened that allows elected officials to hold and maintain office even after committing crimes and acts of emotional violence against their families? How is it that people will say of a crooked politician, "Well at least he is OUR crooked politician."

We as a people have lost sight of the "greater good" If we have a high profile Congressman/Congresswoman or Senator in our district or State, way to often we are only interested in "what have you done for me lately" than we are them being an effective part of the national conversation about what is best for "all the people". I believe that we have become selfish. Selfish to the point that we don't care whose ox is getting gored as long as it is not OUR ox! We have ALLOWED a system, based on seniority, name recognition, money and power, to foster candidates who take advantage of our lost vision.

Have you ever heard someone say, "It doesn't matter who we elect, they all turn out the same way." As if there is a defective gene in anyone who wins an election, that turns them into something they hadn't intended to be. Nonsense! They are absorbed into a system that WE ALLOWED to develop. I have talked with members of Congress who say "well it's better to COMPROMISE MY VALUES and stay in there so I at least maybe can do some good" In this system that compromise is at first a chink, then a crack and finally a bottomless pit.

We must change this system so that their whole lives aren't about getting re-elected. We need term limits, 5 two year terms for Congress and 2 six year terms for Senators or some limitations that lets them know, IT IS GOING TO END,and allows them to vote on the issues not their party leaders dictates. If you and I will get involved enough, and please don't tell me you don't have the time, MAKE TIME, and become "partners" with our elected officials, we can give them backbone when necessary and a kick in the butt when necessary.

Never in my lifetime has there been a time with this much momentum for fixing something that a majority of American people feel is broken. Thousands will show up in Searchlight, NV this weekend to confront the House Majority Leader for his part in the Obamanation they call Health Care Reform. When was the last time that happened? Between now and November let your voice be heard by your representatives. But in November, let it be "the vote heard round the world" as we take back our country and our government. But let that only be the beginning. EVER VIGILANT has to be our mantra from now on. I know we can do this. I have faith in you. Have faith in yourselves and you will find the strength to do what we have to do, by law,
by faith and by remembering: "In God We Trust"


  1. Jim,
    Excellent comment. Very much on target. We also need laws to limit the length of election campaigns. They now start the day someone is elected for the next voting cycle. Handouts and bribes seem to be the currency for financial support from the national political machine and for hopes of re-election

  2. Thanks David, shortening the campaigns that wear us all out would help a lot. It's too bad but bribes and handouts have become the currency of modern day politics. Thanks for the comment.

