Tuesday, March 30, 2010

True Grit.......

is what we are going to have to have from now on. Some things we just really need to talk about. Who is going to make the tough choices? It appears not the President, not the House or Senate, then who? I believe it us up to us. How long are we going to put our safety in harms way because of our governments and the UN's unwillingness to finally put a stop to Iran's war-like intentions? We need to stop them NOW! What will it take to bring a halt to our governments voracious appetite for spending and bring our budget back into balance? It will take us DEMANDING it!

We have lost the respect that we once had in the world because we seem to be a nation out of control. A nation who can no long be counted on and trusted. I believe we owe no one an apology unless, it be for letting people who will not do our will nor listen to us, rise to our nations leadership and take the country down a horribly destructive path. WE allowed it to happen and we have no one to blame but ourselves.

"It is too big and too out of control you say for us to do anything about it" That's their line, the ones who fed it to us in the beginning and want us to really believe it. The ones that want it not to be government by the people but government by the government!! Those of either party who just want their "cushy" jobs to continue while the country suffers. Why do you think that they "exempted" themselves from certain provisions of the health care reform that you and I have to live with. They believe they are "special" "privileged" and don't have to abide by the same rules as everybody else. As someone said the other day, so succinctly, "We are no longer citizens, we are SUBJECTS".

You CAN'T wait on the Tea Partiers, or the Republican or the Democrats or the Independents or the Libertarians. You have got to get involved and do this for yourself. If we wait for "somebody" else to do it, it will NEVER GET DONE!!! Maybe Beck or Hannity or whoever else will do it? Is that what you think? THINK AGAIN. They are way to busy promoting their own agendas, their own books and the books of others. They are ENTERTAINERS!! When will we get it through our heads that they are about "ratings", not change.

We have got to stop waiting for somebody else to do what we know needs to be done. We do this as a nation, not a group with a title and an agenda, but millions of Americans who have both a sense of history and destiny. If you are one of those, there is no more time to wait or waste. We are needed now. It is time for us to put OUR shoulder to the wheel and do the HEAVY LIFTING because the price of us not doing so would be beyond calculation, beyond dollars and cents, and beyond future American's ability to comprehend how and why WE let this happen to us and them. Don't call your Congressman or your Senator, CALL YOURSELF!

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