Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Get Out of Town!

Dear Santa,

Yes that is my Christmas wish, is that Congress will get out of town. Come on Santa, give me a little help here. The longer they are in session the worse things get. It is time for us to look at the U.S. House of Representatives and the U. S. Senate as part-time jobs and not full time. When I was in the legislature in Indiana we did it on a part time basis and it worked just fine. When they are there too long they just keep finding ways to sponsor legislation to justify their existence. You and I pay the price.

The extension of the tax cuts was a good thing for the current economy we are in. All the pork that was added in order to get it signed was reprehensible! The START treaty, and I have read it, is not the best we could have negotiated. We were weak in our posture and if it is signed will be seen that way by the world.

All money bills are supposed, by law, to start in the House of Representatives. It will be interesting to see if the new House leadership got the message on November 2nd or if we will have to turn them out again. Speaker-elect Boehner is saying the right things, BUT will he do them. If we keep the pressure on as a people that will push him that way. Remember, he is part of the long entrenched establishment that has been in Washington for a long time. I was pretty impressed with the interview I saw with him and his wife, and no his crying doesn't bother me a bit. I hope it is an indication of his humanity. Now what I need to see is an indication of his commitment to the people of this country. Talk and tears are cheap! Ask Santa for a part-time legislative branch of our government.

Merry Christmas to each of you. I am looking forward to 2011 and the opportunities that it will give us to participate in the process. We now have nearly 2000 people on the Talk With America mailing list and that is thanks to you. Happy New year as well to you and your families. Families are forever and that is a good thing!!

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