Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Legislation without Representation

We overthrew a King because of this the last time. The Speaker is about to, through the rules committee, construct a "trick" rule that will allow the rank and file of her party to pass the health care bill without there being any record of how any of her colleagues voted. As a result, the vote will be "secret".

Why are they afraid of having their voted counted out in the open? BECAUSE THEY ARE COWARDS. They are afraid of Speaker Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Reid, and the President.Those three have convinced them that if they don't do what they want they will make them PAY dearly. They are more afraid of THEM, than they are of US.!!!There are thousands on the Capitol Mall today protesting, but nobody seems to be listening. Have you called your Congressman or Senator yet? There is still time.

How did we get to the point in this Republic, that people we don't like or trust, can break or change the rules, to pass legislation that 53% of the American people have said they don't want, and the ballot is secret? It is because WE, the American people, opted out of being a part of the political process and CHOSE to let them do it to us. If they can do this to us on health care, what is there to keep them from doing it again, and again and again. NOTHING! Have you thought about that?

It is not too late! You and I can still keep this from happening. It is only INEVITABLE if we ALLOW it to be. Burn up the phone lines to Washington, call your local television and radio stations. Let YOUR VOICE be heard!!

Tell them you will not stand for LEGISLATION without REPRESENTATION and that if they persist WE the people, will make them PAY DEARLY!

Thank you, God bless you and God bless this great nation!

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