Thursday, April 15, 2010

Looters, Moochers, and Payoors.

Tax Day 2010. As Jeff Foxworthy might say; "How do you know if you are a looter, moocher or payoor? If you are a Congressman/Woman, Senator, President of the U.S. or any other elected official who has voting power to take away from citizens more of their already overtaxed money, you are a LOOTER! If you are a person who believes that your country or your state owes you a living just because you live in the United States, legally or illegally, and you WON'T work to support yourself and think that the "rich" ought to support you, you are a MOOCHER! If you just sent your tax check to the IRS today, as I did, and you believe that you can't print money and spend your way out of a financial crisis but have to work your way out, you are a PAYOOR!

Nearly 50% of Americans pay no taxes. Nearly 50% of Americans think they pay just about the right amount of taxes. What do you want to bet that the two groups are the same people? Way too many Americans have what I call the "Robin Hood" mentality. Take from them that's got, even if you have to rob and steal it, and give to them that don't got. (I learned my grammar and spelling in the government schools).

I believe in usage taxes. If you use it you should pay or be taxed to support its existence for your benefit,no matter how much or little money you make. If you are completely unable to work and take care of yourself, go to your family first for help, then go to your church, and finally if you can't get any help there or after their generosity runs out, come to us, the American public, and as we have done since the beginning of this Republic, we will help you out. We have taken care of you and many around the world because we are a blessed nation, a God fearing nation, and we believe that where much is given much is expected and we have done that over and over and over again.

Now, however, we have a government in Washington that wants to destroy all that. They want to apologize for who and what we are and our way of life. I don't know about you but I have nothing to apologize for as an American. They want us to become government dependent. I want to become government independent. They have chosen to govern by force, back room deals and do whatever it takes to accomplish their agenda. I have chosen to try and remove them from office by working night and day to get them "unelected" They have chosen to govern in arrogance and deaf to the voice of the American people. I have chosen to fire them with civility, which in some cases they don't deserve, through raising the decibels of the voices of the American people to the level,THAT EVEN A DEAF PERSON COULD HEAR!

We are not going to argue and talk over each other like the talk show entertainers on television do while they sell each others books. WE ARE GOING TO VOTE YOU OUT OF OFFICE! We are not going to "hope" somebody else will do this for us, WE are going to do it ourselves. I hope that you will let history be your guide and say to yourself, "I've heard it all before" and think that this is all a lot of blah, blah, blah. Go ahead and think of us as just to busy to do anything about the fact that some of you are crooks, liars, adulterers, dishonest, untrustworthy and disapproved of by 80% of the American people. And that's just the short list!

When the smoke clears on election day in November 2010 and 2012, we will have been heard and many of you, possibly on both sides of the aisle, will be and should be GONE! Not retired, fired! We are not going to throw you a "going away" party, or give you a gold watch, though some of your pensions may look like it, figuratively we are going to "tar and feather" you and "run you out of town on a rail". We are not going to name roads and schools after you because your legacy will not support it. We are not going to pay you $50,000 for a speech or put your picture up in any conspicuous place. There won't be any statues of you in the town square. But in the minds of those of us who have suffered through you, you will be elected to the "Hall of Shame".

I'm sorry, do I sound bitter? I AM! You are incapable of being "loved" into doing what you should be doing for us. We have suffered in silence long enough. We have been patient and long suffering. NOW, however it is time to "chase the moneychangers from the temple" Even the Lord's patience had limits. And you are about to find out, though we don't put ourselves in the same category with him, that so do we! Good riddance!

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