Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Where Is The Emotion
When I watched the President both when he first responded to the tragedy at Fort Hood, and when he was there for the memorial service, something tore at me that there was, in both situations, no emotion. HOW COULD THERE BE NO EMOTION!! I was not looking for words up on a teleprompter, I was looking for someone who had the same emotion filled response as did I and most Americans. What is wrong with this picture? By the way, don't tell me not to "jump to conclusions", that was his line, to call us all out, before he even mentioned what has happened. What have we done in electing this man President of the United States? Something terribly wrong I think.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Fallen Heroes, Healthcare Reform etc.
It was nice to see the President at Dove Air Force Base last night meeting the coffins of the last 18 Americans killed in Afghanistan. That has got to be tough. His is not an easy decision and I don't envy him that. The health care reform legislation debate has clearly shown the American people that we have elected politicians who are against something just because someone else is for something regardless of the merits and there are those who are willing to push "secret" legislation to the limit in order to get what they want. We pay the price, you and I. I am not sure I have any better answers than anyone else, BUT I do know how to have a civil conversation with others to find the best answer for the common good. What is it going to take for us to elect and hold accountable people who will do the "people's business" instead of looking for power and re-election at our expense. If somebody out there has an idea, please let us hear it.
Friday, September 11, 2009
" I Remember"
Today there were many tributes and grim reminders of that tragic day, 8 years ago today. Let us never forget and be always vigilent knowing that there are those in the world who would kill us for our beliefs. "God Bless America"
Saturday, August 15, 2009
God Bless the USA
Having just spent 2 weeks in the Baltic Capitals of the world, including Russia, I realize AGAIN, just how lucky we are to live in this wonderful Republic of ours. I am grateful to be an American!!
The town hall meetings on healthcare are a clear indication of how the American people REALLY feel about what the administration is trying to do which is to socialize medicine and put yours and my grandchildren in hock for the next 100 years. My congressman is having his meeting next Saturday and you can bet I will be there. Let your voice be heard America, I think we finally have someone's attention. So let's not lose the "bully pulpit" to all those who are guilty of putting out "misinformation" about what HR 3200 is really about. Go read it, if you really want to know what is going on READ IT. I am in that process and try and help with info where I can. Remember: " The only way for bad to overcome good is for GOOD PEOPLE to do nothing!!
Here is the link to read the complete bill:
Go read it, PLEASE!
The town hall meetings on healthcare are a clear indication of how the American people REALLY feel about what the administration is trying to do which is to socialize medicine and put yours and my grandchildren in hock for the next 100 years. My congressman is having his meeting next Saturday and you can bet I will be there. Let your voice be heard America, I think we finally have someone's attention. So let's not lose the "bully pulpit" to all those who are guilty of putting out "misinformation" about what HR 3200 is really about. Go read it, if you really want to know what is going on READ IT. I am in that process and try and help with info where I can. Remember: " The only way for bad to overcome good is for GOOD PEOPLE to do nothing!!
Here is the link to read the complete bill:
Go read it, PLEASE!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Where is the news media?
House Resolution 5, introduced in January of this year, would REMOVE the term limits on the President and allow them to serve for life. Now why haven't we heard about this in the media? It it a lengthy process to make this happen? Yes, but here we are 7 months into a new Presidential term and we weren't even being told by the media that it is now in committee. You don't suppose they have an "agenda" on this do you? " Obama for President for Life", I can just see the bumper stickers now. Wake up America, you have got to find out things for yourself.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day
As a veteran I stand in awe of all of those men and women who paid the ultimate price for our freedoms. God bless them and their families this Memorial Day and may we never forget what they have done for us.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
What Were They Thinking?????
The State Assembly in NY not only caved in to pressure that they perceived was out there but isn't, but did not even vote their own beliefs. Same sex marriage is just plain wrong, in my opinion. One thing this vote does show us is that a very small, well organized campaign about anything, can force a much larger segment to do their will if they can only convince them that they have more power than they do. So where is the other side on this issue, hello, I can't hear you. Oh that's right it is somebody else's job to do that not yours or mine! When will we wake up and realize that the silent majority is KILLING us as a country because they are just that, silent. I may not agree with what you say but I defend to the death your right to express it!!! So let us hear from other sides. What are you afraid of? Stand for something!!!!!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Let's Have a TEA Party
I remember that is what my daughter wanted to do as a child. Do we really think a 2009 Tea Party is going to make a difference? Sure it feels good to "do something" but why not do something that is really going to make a difference. Want some ideas? Try this: Visit your Congressman's or Senators office and let them know how you feel. Now I realize that sounds like a lot of work. After all you have to get reasonably dressed, drive the car to their office , find a baby sitter etc. Do you want easy or do you want something that is going to get some result. Oh I know, let someone else do it. THAT'S WHY THE CROOKS ARE RUNNING THE PLACE BECAUSE WE ARE TO BUSY TO TAKE TIME OUT OF OUR BUSY SCHEDULE TO DO SOMETHING THAT MAY SAVE THE COUNTRY!!!!! We have got to get off our dead b__ts and go to work. And I don't mean throwing tea in the nearest body of water. How absurd!! No wonder things are such a mess. Everybody is too busy to care or do anything about it. I guess we deserve what we get. What will it take to wake us up? Another depression!!!!!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Hooray for the Navy Seals!
Take that you Samali pirates!!
Is there an any more ineffective organization as it relates to it's charter than the United Nations. We spend billions of our US dollars to prop up that organization and it's effect on world situations is worthless. "Security Counsel Condemns North Korea Nuke Launch" the headlines scream. So what! Who cares! Certainly the North Koreans don't. Let's create an organization that has some "teeth" to it or lets quit wasting our money.
Is there an any more ineffective organization as it relates to it's charter than the United Nations. We spend billions of our US dollars to prop up that organization and it's effect on world situations is worthless. "Security Counsel Condemns North Korea Nuke Launch" the headlines scream. So what! Who cares! Certainly the North Koreans don't. Let's create an organization that has some "teeth" to it or lets quit wasting our money.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
I'm Back
After a little time off to do some business I will be returning on Monday April 13th, two days before we have the privilege of sending the IRS out tax payments, and unfortunately for me I owe some. But it's good to get back and look forward to talking with you again.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Welcome to London!
Quite a reception for the President of the U.S. ? What was that about a "rock star"? Well now the President and Geithner want to be able to seize whatever company they want to when they are not doing what they want them to be doing. Hmmm, that sounds familiar, oh yeah Russia tried that and China is still doing it. How is that going? Can Socialism be just around the corner or have we already started to round the corner with GM, Chrysler et al. A friend of mine told me the other day some ought to do something about this! Who is someone? If not us, who? Everybody is still waiting for somebody else to fix it and by default the ones doing the fix are not the ones we need. They are the same old Beltway boys and girls that only care really about one thing, re-election. What will it take to get you to wake up America. Your grand kids, today, are now in debt to the tune of 13 Trillion dollars. Oh well, we will be dead anyhow. Right. With our posterity jumping up and down on our graves yelling, "Why did you let this happen"? Our pathetic and only answer would be, "well I thought somebody else was taking care of it" We never seem to learn and so now we want to send tea bags to Washington to show we are doing something. How pathetic!!!!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Off With Their Heads!
First they didn't know anything about it, Dodd and Geitner, and then all of a sudden we find out they did. BUT it is all the administrations fault. Obama and company MADE them do it. Just when you thought it couldn't get anymore incredulous the Congress passes a law to tax the bonuses of the AIG executives. What do you think John Stossel? "Give me a break" The "Keystone Cops" are in charge of the country. The Queen had it right. "Off with their heads". And what about Barney Frank. This guy is laughable. Tell me people of MA, what the heck were you thinking? NOW people of America, do you get the idea that your voice can be heard? Sure it can, BUT let not us cut off our nose to spite our face. BUT then just as I was going to encourage to make your case with logic and reason I realize that the people in Washington, the Keystone Cop brigade, wouldn't recognize reason and logic if they saw it. You really couldn't make this stuff up!! And now we have the President of doom and gloom all of a sudden turned cheer leader! What's with that??? Who's running the asylum?
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Is AIG a P.I.G?
The pen is....This whole AIG mess boils down to who knew what when. It sure looks like a "just made for politics" issue but lets get real here a minute. The new CEO gets paid a dollar a year. No matter how much it was it is a thankless task. Senior Execs in companies like AIG have contracts for these bonuses. Now if they didn't meet the terms of the agreement and still got paid we should put the payers in jail and get the money back from the payees. AIG is not now the governments company, it is OURS. 80% ours. The congressional hearing make for good theater just like trying to figure out who to prosecute in the former administration for whatever. Our representatives need to spend their time figuring out how to solve the problems. Get them solved first and then we can do the other stuff later. Just like Nancy Pelosi telling that group of many illegals over the weekend, in church no less, that they are "patriots". Since when are criminals partriots? Change the law or put them in jail, it is really not that hard to figure out.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
One in Private, the Other in Public
The pen is......Reality has finally hit home in the Obama White House. What you promise in a campaign may not be doable when you are the President, sometimes as a result of actions of your own party. The President signed the budget (spending) bill today in private without any real ceremony and on the same day made some very public comments and commitments about what he is going to stop or limit the "earmarks" i.e., pork barrel projects of which there were 8700 of them in the bill he had just signed. Who is running the place? Obviously not the President. You don't mess with Pelosi and Reid!! Welcome to the real world Mr. President. I am not against altogether members of Congress steering some of the money spent back to their districts. At least it makes them look like they are doing something and should be re-elected. The problem here is the "timing" of this spending. We are in trouble on the basics, bread and water stuff, and now is not the time to be spending on "nice to have" items than can wait while we get the economy fixed. This is Economics 101 but obviously not everyone took and/or passed the course. What do you think?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Hindsight is 20/20
So NOW the Fed Chairman says that we should be putting in place rules and methods of detection so that we can see what's coming and stop it. Mr. Chairman are you just now figuring this out. You mean to tell us that this is some kind of sudden revelation to you. As John Stossel would say, "give me a break". And this morning the WSJ reports that in the fourth quarter 500 Billion dollars of credit was withdrawn by the same credit card companies who passed out their plastic disaster like Christmas candy so now there is another prediction of a catastrophic credit crunch because many people who really can't afford to use them will not be able to live off of their credit card float. Where were all these people and their prognostications when we needed them!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Wouln't You Know It
The pen is......The price of crude goes up and the price of gas I got yesterday went down again today. I just got a new telephone and now the tech stocks take a dip. It seems like a lot of things are just backwards of what we understood they ought to be. Maybe that's because the market place is being manipulated instead of letting the market do it's thing. Possibly the "its to big to let it fail" argument is really being make by those who have the most to lose at GM or AIG. Maybe they really aren't to big to fail and maybe this is just what needs to happen so the market can correct this whole thing and things will be right with the world. Oh by the way, suddenly everybody is calling for the US to save the world. Aren't these some of the same countries who burn our flag and our President in effigy and still take our money? It's a funny world.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Dumb and Dumber
The pen is...... Any money given to anybody from our taxpayer pocketbook ought to be traceable. We already have 350 billion that no one seems to be able to find, how dumb is that. We should let GM go into bankruptcy. That would be best for them to be able to re-structure and try to become a viable organization again. No more bailout money for them or AIG. If we the taxpayer are going to foot the bill on this then lets be sure we hold the Congress accountable for knowing how our money is spent. Did you know that the Budget Bill was never read by any member of Congress or Senator!! Why because it was delivered to them after midnight on the day they were to vote. This was done purposely and this isn't the first time. Interns read most of that stuff not the elected representative. There must be new rules on how far in advance a Congressperson or Senator has to get a copy of anything they are going to vote on SO THEY CAN READ IT!!! The government is not the answer, we are. And by sitting back and doing nothing we are a part of the problem and not a part of the solution. Wake up American and become a part of the solution and demand accountability.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
No Robin Hood Here
Well government has done it again. Found a way to punish those that create jobs and take the risks. It looks very much like small businesses and entrepreneurs have decided "enough is enough". Obama and company have figured out how to create dis-incentives for those that would probably be the answer. 90% of job growth comes through small businesses and now in another attempt at wealth re-distribution the government wants to take from the rich and give it to those who have made bad decisions both in business and personal lives and don't deserve to be bailed out. Those who have gotten there through no fault of their own we should help, but those whose greedy decisions have plunged their businesses into bankruptcy and those who took on obligations they knew they couldn't afford should pay the price. The American people are the answer and not the government. It is time for us to step up and step in to stop this charade of a Robin Hood from doing any more damage to this great Republic. Come on America. Stand Up!!!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Pork With No Barbecue Sauce
The pen is......The Senate passed the spending bill yesterday with 8700 "earmarks" in it totaling 33BILLION dollars. Only one Senator, John McCain stood in the well and called it what it was, business as usual. If the President is true to his word, he will cut out those earmarks, but does he have the political will to do it. They, whoever they are, say that it is money the Senators and MC's need to get to show the folks back home that they are doing their job. If you and I are doing our job we will tell them to cut the "pork" and lets get on with fixing what needs to be fixed. It will be interesting to see how the American public reacts to all this. My hunch is they liked the "no pork" rhetoric during the campaign but when push comes to shove they will take the money and run. Wake up America your elected representatives have a ring through your nose and are leading us to the debt trough once again. It will take more than a few so called "tea" parties to get these peoples attention. They work for us but you would never know it because we are refusing to hold them accountable.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Bigger is better?
The Fed Chairman and many others who supported putting another 30 BILLION into AIG to keep it from failing are saying they are too big to fail because this could cause a failure of the entire system. The failure in the system has already taken place when you have an AIG in it. AIG has become a "sole source provider" in essence to the financial markets and thus these markets suffer the slings and arrows of anyone finding themselves at the mercy of a "sole source provider". The system needs to be re-tooled so that the potential for systemic failure is not in the hands of one provider. We need to build a new system with multiple "sources" so that the failure of any one does not put the entire system at risk. Many must have seen this coming who could have raised the alarm yet no one did. Were they cowards or feeding off of the system. Whichever we have to overhaul the "checks and balances" in the financial system and hold people accountable. Why is no one calling for the heads of those that knew it was happening, especially at the highest levels of many financial institutions, and did nothing about it. Right now we are just talking, talking talking. What we need is to hold people responsible for their actions or inaction's that caused this.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
A Billion here a Billion there.......
The pen is...... The price tag for bailing out the bad mortgages went up 20 plus billion this morning. If we have become so oblivious to the economic crisis we are in that a 20 billion dollar increase in what you and I are going to have to pay to bail out others for THEIR OWN MISTAKES, then no wonder the politicians think that they can do TO us whatever they want and we will just take it.
I have emailed, phoned and written both my Senators and all members of the US House in and around my district that I want them to stop spending yours and my money this way. WRITE, PHONE, EMAIL your representatives today. We have to make them listen. This is the best chance we have ever had to make them feel the accountability for what they do. DO IT!!
I have emailed, phoned and written both my Senators and all members of the US House in and around my district that I want them to stop spending yours and my money this way. WRITE, PHONE, EMAIL your representatives today. We have to make them listen. This is the best chance we have ever had to make them feel the accountability for what they do. DO IT!!
Incest on Wall Street
We must find a way to take away the argument that "we cannot allow them to fail" because it would cause systemic failure and therefore we must pump more money into whoever or whatever entity "they" are talking about. That argument is exactly what incents Wall Street to DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN, which is what I predict.
There is NO incentive for GM, Chrysler, Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers executives to any differently because they "got their's". As a nation we need to put in safeguards that would make it too painful for these companies to do this. Oversight should be through the American people who elect members of Congress that will make sure this happens or lose the next election. It is up to us, we have to get more involved and hold people accountable.
There is NO incentive for GM, Chrysler, Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers executives to any differently because they "got their's". As a nation we need to put in safeguards that would make it too painful for these companies to do this. Oversight should be through the American people who elect members of Congress that will make sure this happens or lose the next election. It is up to us, we have to get more involved and hold people accountable.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Term Limits
The pen is ........When you have people who are more interested in getting re-elected than they are doing the people's business there is a way to change that. Term limits. I propose that we change the US Senate term to 4 years instead of 6 and have an 8 year limit on the amount of time they can serve. For the US House, leave the term at 2 years but have a limit of 8 years for them also. When politicians have less to worry about than getting re-elected maybe they will get more interested in doing the best they can while they are there.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Executive Arrogance or Stupidity?
I watched in amazement as the CEO's of 8 of the largest financial institutions in the country testified before Congress yesterday. In listening to them it is not hard to imagine why what happene. d, did. They seem to either be oblivious or just don't care what the public thinks OR that they can do whatever they want and get away with it. Of course with the criminal lack of oversight I don't know what else we should have expected. Unless the PUBLIC holds these institutions accountable I don't think it will happen. I frankly don't think the government has the stomach for it. And about that jet, would you want your mega banks CEO waiting in line for the TSA. Give me a break.
And about peanut butter. The owner, manager etc and anyone else who knew this atrocity was going on and sent salmonella to the public should at some point be in jail. Put them in a cell and give them bread with peanut butter on it and water. What do you think?
And about peanut butter. The owner, manager etc and anyone else who knew this atrocity was going on and sent salmonella to the public should at some point be in jail. Put them in a cell and give them bread with peanut butter on it and water. What do you think?
Friday, February 6, 2009
Fast or Right?
We seem to be in a headlong rush just to "do something" rather than making sure what we are doing is right. The long term consequences of what is done will be felt for decades. Stimulus does not just mean "spend" Mr. President. It means that we put forethought and purpose into the things that are done so that those deserving Americans can get jobs and relief quickly. How much difference "really" is there between pork projects and bonuses paid to executives. Admittedly, giving bailout money to executives who have been running failing businesses is ludicrous. But so is bailing out people who took on mortgages they knew they couldn't afford. It does seem to matter whose "ox is getting gored". We should help those that through no fault of their own find themselves in dire straights, however bailing out companies and people who have their handout because of a sense on entitlement is throwing good money after bad and is not what America needs now to bring us back to prosperity.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
In an interview this morning with President-elect Obama he disclosed that they just found out in a report this week that $300 billion of the TARP money they have no idea what the banks did with it. That is worse than outrageous, the Bush Admin should be called to task for this and held accountable to the American people even if they only have 10 days left. That is worse than gross irresponsibility. What do you think?
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Welcome to you America. I am your host Jim Hunt and want to welcome you to a place where we can talk about issues of the day and have a healthy discussion about how WE as Americans are our own best answer to the place we find ourselves in. Government is not THE answer. It is only a part of a push start part of the answer to getting ourselves out of the recession we are in.
So let's, you and me, become a "Citizen Congress" and be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem. There are 300 million of us out there so lets help our elected and appointed officials by giving them the benefit of our brain power and by doing so I promise you we will pull out of this faster than anybody would have thought possible. "If it's to be, it's up to you and me" So start thinking America and let's start talking.
So let's, you and me, become a "Citizen Congress" and be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem. There are 300 million of us out there so lets help our elected and appointed officials by giving them the benefit of our brain power and by doing so I promise you we will pull out of this faster than anybody would have thought possible. "If it's to be, it's up to you and me" So start thinking America and let's start talking.
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