Thursday, March 5, 2009

No Robin Hood Here

Well government has done it again. Found a way to punish those that create jobs and take the risks. It looks very much like small businesses and entrepreneurs have decided "enough is enough". Obama and company have figured out how to create dis-incentives for those that would probably be the answer. 90% of job growth comes through small businesses and now in another attempt at wealth re-distribution the government wants to take from the rich and give it to those who have made bad decisions both in business and personal lives and don't deserve to be bailed out. Those who have gotten there through no fault of their own we should help, but those whose greedy decisions have plunged their businesses into bankruptcy and those who took on obligations they knew they couldn't afford should pay the price. The American people are the answer and not the government. It is time for us to step up and step in to stop this charade of a Robin Hood from doing any more damage to this great Republic. Come on America. Stand Up!!!!

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