Thursday, March 19, 2009

Off With Their Heads!

First they didn't know anything about it, Dodd and Geitner, and then all of a sudden we find out they did. BUT it is all the administrations fault. Obama and company MADE them do it. Just when you thought it couldn't get anymore incredulous the Congress passes a law to tax the bonuses of the AIG executives. What do you think John Stossel? "Give me a break" The "Keystone Cops" are in charge of the country. The Queen had it right. "Off with their heads". And what about Barney Frank. This guy is laughable. Tell me people of MA, what the heck were you thinking? NOW people of America, do you get the idea that your voice can be heard? Sure it can, BUT let not us cut off our nose to spite our face. BUT then just as I was going to encourage to make your case with logic and reason I realize that the people in Washington, the Keystone Cop brigade, wouldn't recognize reason and logic if they saw it. You really couldn't make this stuff up!! And now we have the President of doom and gloom all of a sudden turned cheer leader! What's with that??? Who's running the asylum?

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