Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fallen Heroes, Healthcare Reform etc.

It was nice to see the President at Dove Air Force Base last night meeting the coffins of the last 18 Americans killed in Afghanistan. That has got to be tough. His is not an easy decision and I don't envy him that. The health care reform legislation debate has clearly shown the American people that we have elected politicians who are against something just because someone else is for something regardless of the merits and there are those who are willing to push "secret" legislation to the limit in order to get what they want. We pay the price, you and I. I am not sure I have any better answers than anyone else, BUT I do know how to have a civil conversation with others to find the best answer for the common good. What is it going to take for us to elect and hold accountable people who will do the "people's business" instead of looking for power and re-election at our expense. If somebody out there has an idea, please let us hear it.

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