Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Billion here a Billion there.......

The pen is...... The price tag for bailing out the bad mortgages went up 20 plus billion this morning. If we have become so oblivious to the economic crisis we are in that a 20 billion dollar increase in what you and I are going to have to pay to bail out others for THEIR OWN MISTAKES, then no wonder the politicians think that they can do TO us whatever they want and we will just take it.

I have emailed, phoned and written both my Senators and all members of the US House in and around my district that I want them to stop spending yours and my money this way. WRITE, PHONE, EMAIL your representatives today. We have to make them listen. This is the best chance we have ever had to make them feel the accountability for what they do. DO IT!!

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