Wednesday, March 11, 2009

One in Private, the Other in Public

The pen is......Reality has finally hit home in the Obama White House. What you promise in a campaign may not be doable when you are the President, sometimes as a result of actions of your own party. The President signed the budget (spending) bill today in private without any real ceremony and on the same day made some very public comments and commitments about what he is going to stop or limit the "earmarks" i.e., pork barrel projects of which there were 8700 of them in the bill he had just signed. Who is running the place? Obviously not the President. You don't mess with Pelosi and Reid!! Welcome to the real world Mr. President. I am not against altogether members of Congress steering some of the money spent back to their districts. At least it makes them look like they are doing something and should be re-elected. The problem here is the "timing" of this spending. We are in trouble on the basics, bread and water stuff, and now is not the time to be spending on "nice to have" items than can wait while we get the economy fixed. This is Economics 101 but obviously not everyone took and/or passed the course. What do you think?

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