Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How are Goldman-Sachs and Arizona's New Immigration Law Connected

Because what feeds each issue is the same. Goldman Sachs is the kind of entity that everybody loves to hate, and I am sure in some cases for good reason. But the same may be said for everybody who is without hating everyone who has. There is a segment of our society, not just politicians, who love to pray and incite on this for their own purposes. The thinking is maybe I can divert attention from what I am doing by making an easy target look bad in the public eye, i.e., Goldman Sachs.

On the other hand I can approach it this way, in a country where most everybody is scared to death of being politically incorrect and every minority cause in the country uses that against anybody who disagrees with them, we can allow the 450,000 illegals already in Arizona to continue to break the law in hopes that somehow we can get them falsified paperwork so they can vote for us the next election,i.e., Arizona's new immigration law.

An elected official at any level, but assuredly at the national level, will do whatever they have to to get re-elected. That's all that matters. So if it means excoriating 5 executives form Goldman Sachs publicly, while taking millions upon millions of dollars from them for campaign contributions privately, that is just what we will do. Goldman Sachs has already agreed to be the whipping boy you see, in a previously arranged agreement. What most people don't understand is that they are willing to take this "ever so often embarrassment" because the real payoff is worth it. So whip me publicly, just keep the money coming.

In Arizona where some people have "stepped up" why do we have so many people protesting against us stopping people from breaking the law? Mexico's laws are more harsh than ours against illegals. But who would want to sneak in there? How do all of these protesters get time off of work to do all of this protesting? If they are employed, are they getting fired for missing work or have we taught employers to be so afraid of enforcing their own rules, they give them a "pass".

People whose main goal everyday is to stay in office for life if they can, are driven by whatever it takes so that they can continue to live in style to which they have become accustomed. ANYTHING. As long as our system, and that means you and I, continue to support political office as a privileged and never ending job, this problem is not going to go away. We support it by supporting seniority as a way for us individually or us as a state or district getting special treatment because we have a long serving representative, NO MATTER WHAT THE COST TO THE REST OF THE COUNTRY!!! If we do it with our elected officials do we also do it in business and other organizations? Of course we do because we don't care who else's ox gets gored as long as it isn't ours. Are we no longer our brothers keeper?

Those 5 men who were in front of Congress yesterday testifying, all make well over 1 million dollars a year according to my sources. What would you do or say to protect that income? Have they broken the law? I don't know, someone other venue will decide that, but they sure are fun to be against just because they make so much money. Why don't they give it to us or to charity? How dare they go to college, or not, get good jobs, raise families and put their kids in private school and drive nice cars when they could be like me and just sit here and criticize. The nerve of them!

We have taught them to ignore us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And we will continue to pay the price as long as " the best way for bad to prevail, is for the good to do nothing" rings hollow in our ears. God bless you and God bless this great nation!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Answer is NOT Doing the "Same Ole Thing"

The kind of candidate I am looking for would run as and Independent and was being asked by others to do just that. Why Independent? Because otherwise they are beholden to one party or the other for everything. I would not want him/her to have to be kissing someones you no what for prime office space or plum committee assignments etc. But I am getting ahead of myself.

I would want their campaign committee to be made up of newbies, not political hacks. That includes the fundraisers etc. I would want every person who signs up to help to meet personally with the candidate and hear exactly what they stand for. There is no PAC money or anything that remotely resembles "a string attached" They would not parade a bunch of celebrity political hacks through Georgia for endorsements. Endorsements would only be sought from the voters. It would be clear that endorsements were not being sought, or even welcomed except from people who can go into that voting booth on election day and cast a vote for the candidate.

This would be a people to people campaign. It would not flood the TV with "image" ads, he/she would make themselves as available as humanly possible for people to see and ask questions about where they stand. No BS or "politically correct" because that is a part of the problem now and it mostly stems from the seniority system. The KA system as I like to call it.

The press is welcome to come along, but any questions that are asked of the candidate that try to start a "soap opera" to sell more print or air time are a waster of time and will politely be ignored. They can be a powerful ally for us in what we are trying to do, but not on their terms, it needs to be on ours. Don't ask us to judge anyone or what they are doing. God does the judging of humans. Judge what is happening, that's a different ballgame and it is fair game. This campaign will not be goaded into personality contests to satisfy some need for juicy "tid bits" for the evening news. We are looking for doer's not couch potatoes.

Once elected the District office and the Washington office will be staffed by people from the District not political wanna be's who go from politician to politician because they are too deeply embedded in what is already the problem. The Chief of Staff would be a trusted friend with no prior political experience but a lot of b _ _ _ s, and honest and trustworthy beyond question or they would be gone in a flash. Also he/she,the now Congressperson, would meet with both caucuses in Washington not just one or the other. Or probably by whoever invited them, but with the understanding that accepting the invitation means only that and nothing else.

A top priority would be term limits. 3 terms or six years for a Congressman and 1 term or 6 years for a Senator. If you have worked your tail off for the American people for 6 years, you will have done as much as you can and it is time to go home and go back to work with the rest of us. No government pension after your time is up. That's what is wrong now, everyone is working for the pension and not us. We have created a monster called a Professional Congress and not a Citizen Congress. As a citizen we can go to Washington and do all the best we can and go home and get our pension from somewhere else, like putting it away for ourselves and not depending on the government to provide it.

Lobbyist support, forget it. Make your case and then go away. Don't make any offers or promises just tell me what you have to say and then let the other side do the same and we will make up our own minds based on our "common sense". Party leadership, don't try and bribe us with committee offers or anything else unless you want to read about it in print. Play your stupid games somewhere else until we get the rules changed so that you can no longer be a dictator. Speaker of the House or Senate Majority Leadership is a one year term only. Get the picture, it is all based on a seniority system dependent on you kissing butt and living and serving long enough.

Even if it is not law yet, get out when your "term limits" definition of service is over. Be the example. Sound like something you would like to see? But are saying this can never happen, the system is to big to change! Yeah, well that is what "they" want you to think. Those that have so much invested in this anti-American system. Behind the scenes, because of the "system" they now collude together, both sides, on how to keep this "sweet thing" going. It's not about you and me, it's only about THEM!.

We have just gone through an overthrow of our government, and yes we are now chattel not citizens. What was billed as CHANGE was a disguised socialist dictatorship that they are trying to impose while we "sleep". You may be thinking "what a lot of hothead rhetoric" and you may be right. But are you willing to sit there and let what's happening to you go ahead or are you willing to listen to some "not so politically correct" talk that is aimed and getting us off our duffs and doing something before it is too late. If you want to listen to all of the same old plain pablum that got us to where we are, then go read something else. BUT if you are ready to help ensure that your kids and grand kids and beyond aren't going to have to pay the price for us "doing nothing" then stand up, get up, find your candidate and get them elected. It is possible. I promise you, IT IS POSSIBLE! You can do this!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Wailing Wall st.

How do you stand in front of Wall Streets "t1tans" and excoriate them for their alleged practices that brought this country into it's current financial crisis, especially when the President of Goldman Sachs was in the 5th row?

When all in the room had been talked, with previously and privately, before yesterday and were told: "we have to do this for the public to see, so that I look good, me the President that is, and it looks like I am demonizing you." "Oh, and you Goldman Sachs, don't mind what we are doing publicly,(wink,wink)and just keep on sending those hundreds of thousand of dollars in contributions to my campaign (wink, wink)."

Is the American public as stupid as that little dog and pony show would have to lead us to believe? If we are, things are going to get a lot worse before they ever get better. If you are waiting on the current leadership of the Republicans to lead the way to get us out of this, forget it. THEY ARE OUTCLASSED!! John Boehner and Mitch McConnell are pathetic!! Hey guys, you are dealing with a "community organizer" a "street fighter" and you guys are wusses.

Go ahead and play "Mr. Nice Guy" and you are going to continue to get your butts kicked around the block. The "other side of the aisle" needs somebody with brass b _ _ _ s! I can tell you this, when I took my White House appointment, it took me about two days to understand how Washington worked. How stupid is it to be against something just because the other side is for it. Don't you read history? Didn't you watch how Scott Brown got elected? It's the INDEPENDENTS stupid! Their numbers have changed the rules, the whole ball game.

The Dems didn't get it in Massachusetts and they got their head handed to them on a silver platter. But I bet they get it now. THE RULES HAVE CHANGED! GET IT! That is why you, those of you who are reading this, are getting back into the arena and back into the game. Now what we have to do is find a way to bring together everybody who is a part of this "awakening", and organize it in a new way. Enough of trying to find our "savior", a one or two or whatever number leadership is to risky. We need someone who can keep us organized and yet let America know this is about ALL of us.

Make no mistake about it, this President is not about keeping the America I grew up in alive. He is about destroying it! This Congress is not about helping you find the American dream, it is about "enslaving" you to the government. If you really, really care, I would like to hear from you. We get 1000's of hits, but few responses. Are you to busy to let all those people hear how YOU feel about all of this? If you don't want to do the "follower" bit, just reply to me at I would really love to hear from you. Have a great week end!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Looters, Moochers, and Payoors.

Tax Day 2010. As Jeff Foxworthy might say; "How do you know if you are a looter, moocher or payoor? If you are a Congressman/Woman, Senator, President of the U.S. or any other elected official who has voting power to take away from citizens more of their already overtaxed money, you are a LOOTER! If you are a person who believes that your country or your state owes you a living just because you live in the United States, legally or illegally, and you WON'T work to support yourself and think that the "rich" ought to support you, you are a MOOCHER! If you just sent your tax check to the IRS today, as I did, and you believe that you can't print money and spend your way out of a financial crisis but have to work your way out, you are a PAYOOR!

Nearly 50% of Americans pay no taxes. Nearly 50% of Americans think they pay just about the right amount of taxes. What do you want to bet that the two groups are the same people? Way too many Americans have what I call the "Robin Hood" mentality. Take from them that's got, even if you have to rob and steal it, and give to them that don't got. (I learned my grammar and spelling in the government schools).

I believe in usage taxes. If you use it you should pay or be taxed to support its existence for your benefit,no matter how much or little money you make. If you are completely unable to work and take care of yourself, go to your family first for help, then go to your church, and finally if you can't get any help there or after their generosity runs out, come to us, the American public, and as we have done since the beginning of this Republic, we will help you out. We have taken care of you and many around the world because we are a blessed nation, a God fearing nation, and we believe that where much is given much is expected and we have done that over and over and over again.

Now, however, we have a government in Washington that wants to destroy all that. They want to apologize for who and what we are and our way of life. I don't know about you but I have nothing to apologize for as an American. They want us to become government dependent. I want to become government independent. They have chosen to govern by force, back room deals and do whatever it takes to accomplish their agenda. I have chosen to try and remove them from office by working night and day to get them "unelected" They have chosen to govern in arrogance and deaf to the voice of the American people. I have chosen to fire them with civility, which in some cases they don't deserve, through raising the decibels of the voices of the American people to the level,THAT EVEN A DEAF PERSON COULD HEAR!

We are not going to argue and talk over each other like the talk show entertainers on television do while they sell each others books. WE ARE GOING TO VOTE YOU OUT OF OFFICE! We are not going to "hope" somebody else will do this for us, WE are going to do it ourselves. I hope that you will let history be your guide and say to yourself, "I've heard it all before" and think that this is all a lot of blah, blah, blah. Go ahead and think of us as just to busy to do anything about the fact that some of you are crooks, liars, adulterers, dishonest, untrustworthy and disapproved of by 80% of the American people. And that's just the short list!

When the smoke clears on election day in November 2010 and 2012, we will have been heard and many of you, possibly on both sides of the aisle, will be and should be GONE! Not retired, fired! We are not going to throw you a "going away" party, or give you a gold watch, though some of your pensions may look like it, figuratively we are going to "tar and feather" you and "run you out of town on a rail". We are not going to name roads and schools after you because your legacy will not support it. We are not going to pay you $50,000 for a speech or put your picture up in any conspicuous place. There won't be any statues of you in the town square. But in the minds of those of us who have suffered through you, you will be elected to the "Hall of Shame".

I'm sorry, do I sound bitter? I AM! You are incapable of being "loved" into doing what you should be doing for us. We have suffered in silence long enough. We have been patient and long suffering. NOW, however it is time to "chase the moneychangers from the temple" Even the Lord's patience had limits. And you are about to find out, though we don't put ourselves in the same category with him, that so do we! Good riddance!

If you like, reply to: Thanks!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Article II, Section II, Clause II reads.....

[The President] shall nominate, and, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

So now the process begins. Justice John Paul Stevens has, some might consider, a liberal bent. The President therefore will be replacing a liberal justice with no doubt another liberal justice. It is an interesting thing about justices though, some times they have been known to render opinions much different than one might have expected. We can only hope that the new Justice realizes that her/his job is to look at a case in light of the Constitution and not to legislate.

This process will probably turn into a very bi-partisan battle over whomever the nominee/s might be with the current climate in Washington. Wouldn't it be something if they just looked around and found the best qualified jurist they could find and have the confirmation process be a public review and consideration of their qualifications to be a keeper on the Constitution. Watch carefully how your Senator performs during this process. Let them know who you feel might be a good justice and the President to. Let's hope it doesn't turn out to be the circus it usually is.

The Supreme Court has more long term effect on most things that come before it, than the Congress or the President.One of the best things you and I can do is to read and keep close a copy of the Constitution so that we can follow the cases that can have such a far reaching effect.One of the things that I believe has been lacking in the 3 part government system, is you and I letting the Supreme Court and other jurists, know how we feel about the job they are doing. Our government of checks and balances needs to be balanced by yours and my opinion well expressed. Judges are not "off limits". It's up to you and I to let them, the judges, know how we feel also.

The system can be turned in our favor if we will just get involved. Let's make it a resolution to do the things that we have already talked about in this blog to keep a "check" on the system and now add the judges to it as well.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Way to Your Congressman's/Senator's Heart!

We talked about yesterday that emails, letters and phone calls = Delete, file 13 and voicemail. Now that you have shown up at the local or Washington office, they know who you are and now we need to take another step. Follow this link, copy and paste it into the address bar:

and you will find out exactly what your Congressman has as income and expenses from the government. It's only 15 pages. Send a copy of what you find, what is of interest to you or whatever your just curious about, to their Washington Office and their local constituent office and ask them for the details of how that money was spent by them. Can that be found online? I am not sure. I believe it is more important that we ask THEM for direction and information, after all we hired them, we pay them and we want an accounting. You of course can do the same thing for your Senators.

What we have forgot, and they are really glad we did, is that we hire them, they serve at our pleasure, they are accountable to us, and we can and will FIRE them if necessary. Funny, that sounds like something most of us have lived with all of our working lives. What a novel idea that it should apply to them :).

A response that is not acceptable is a response from them sending us back to the link that I have included. The only acceptable response is one that clearly indicates they are clearly providing the income and expenses for your particular Congressman/Senator. This is not confidential information. They will try to put you off. Don't let them. We have the Freedom of Information Act if need be. But what Congressman/Senator would want to hide anything regarding the salary and expenses, that WE pay them, from us? If you get such a response, I would like to hear about it here. Anyone who gets such a response, please post the name of the Congressman/Senator here and I will see that all the newspapers in their District get a copy of the post and any others that might find it of interest.

Another response that is not acceptable is a response that indicates that the Congressman/Senator get so many emails, letters, or phone calls that he/she can not respond to them all. BALONEY!!! We give them money to have people to do just that WITH them, not for them. THAT'S THEIR JOB. Keep a copy of everything you do communication wise so that the next time the the Congressman/Senator is in town and doing something in public, you can appropriately confront him/her on their lack of attention to their BOSS!!!. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, KEEP COPIES OF EVERYTHING!!!!

Well now that ought to be a real incentive to hold a public forum back in their District ASAP. By the way, request a copy of their schedule for as far out as they have it for when and where their public appearances, town hall meetings, will be so we can be there to greet them!Don't let them tell you they don't have it or that it is too fluid a situation. They plan and know those things weeks if not months ahead. Also Google their names once a week to see what they are up to that you might not otherwise know about,and look at their website EVERY WEEK!

That is just a start. I have many more things to share and tell you about, that if you choose, can help you hold your elected representatives much more accountable and for us to "STOP TEACHING THEM TO IGNORE US"! I would like to think that if we all do this that someday they will "get it" and we could relax a little. NEVER!! Not in this or any other lifetime! The WHO is us, the time is NOW!