Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of the Union

A pretty good speech we would have to agree, if you were basing your response on technique. But on substance, blah, blah, blah. He didn't pivot, but he sure did a "column right", to use a military term, compared to where I saw him before. However talk is cheap, for all of us for that matter. There is RHETORIC or RESULTS. The last year has been long on the former and lacking on the latter. One big disappointment for me was no mention at all about personal responsibility. The buck stops with us and we need to step up. It's easy to shout at those who are in charge about what's not working, that's easy. It's hard to offer solutions and not just point fingers. Let's come down on the solutions side. We need to decrease federal spending by putting limits on federal programs and not raising debt limits. The talk about earmarks goes on and on and on, but nothing changes. Why? Because "they" know we like to hear it but won't force them to do anything about it. It costs us billions! Let's tell them to substantially reduce it or we will find someone who will. $3.5 trillion dollars of our debt is owed to foreign countries with a whopping $800 billion to China. How does that make you sleep at night? When was the last time you wrote a letter, made a phone call or sent an email to your Congressman or Senator? Do it today!!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Billion Here, A Billion There, sooner ............

What if we ran our budget the same way the government does, what would be the consequences? WE WOULD BE PUT IN JAIL!!! If your not making enough money to meet your needs, just raise your debt limit. Someone flunked Econ 101. Instead of spending money to "create" jobs, how about spending money to fix education so that we will have people ready to take the jobs that are available in the 21st Century. Tell me you don't expect America to stay in the Industrial Revolution forever. They say, did you ever wonder who "they" were, the State of the Union tonight will focus on jobs, well duh, where has Washington been for the last 18 months. Trying to jam a health care bill down our throats that America doesn't want. But wait a minute "they" said, we know better than you, now that you elected us, and because you won't get involved in the political process, we will do whatever we want. THEN CAME MASSACHUSETTS! I am not sure "they" get it yet! Oh we will hear it in the rhetoric tonight, but the time for listening to all those pretty words is over, the time to do what the people of this country elected them to do has arrived. Or has it! IT'S UP TO YOU AND ME TO SEE THAT THEY DO!!! And oh by the way, let's bring a lot of this stuff back to the states where we can get at them when necessary. What a great idea! WAKE UP AMERICA, THE TIME IS NOW AND THE RIGHT PERSON IS YOU!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Who got caught with their "pants on the ground"?

Somebody got caught with their "pants on the ground"! Watch for the so-called "populous" message to start showing up everywhere. One thing politicians are great at is changing stripes or direction when the polls or the electorate give them a wake up call like they did in Massachusetts. Now lets not kid ourselves, the D's are still D's in MA and the R's are still R's. But this shows us what happens when unadulterated arrogance gets to full of itself. We, you and I, need to opt back into the political process so that "they", Washington, doesn't get back to business as usual. Let's not wait until the last minute to show up again. If government has to be involved, let most of it be at the state level. It's tooooo easy for state and local politicians to escape the heat by saying, " it's Washington's fault, blame them". Let's put the government part in all of this as close to us as we can, so that they can hear our voices, loud and often. Even the words of the now celebrated General from Georgia have a lot to say about "people acting like fools". Have a great day and "God Bless America".

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The $64,000 Question

Has the silent majority finally awakened? I am not sure. The Massachusetts election not withstanding, as Americans we need to continue to be vigilant. What I believe we need to be very careful about, is not whether a person is a D or an R, but who believes that more government is the answer to all our problems. The so-called "Progressive Movement" is a place for all of us to be very aware of. The recent 1st Amendment decision by the Supreme Court was jumped on by the so called "left" as the decision that will destroy democracy. Check out on the FEC website on who gets the donations and from whom. More government is not the answer, it is you and I being awake and alert at all times to "anyone" who would take our constitutional rights away from us. In Massachusetts it was the "people" who decided enough was enough and most of them were registered D. God bless them, they are not a part of the mindless millions who only look to part affiliation to see who is good or bad. There is plenty of that to go around on both sides. Thank heaven this election happened and "the people" spoke, not from a party standpoint, but from an American standpoint, that political arrogance is a fools game.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Congratulations Senator-Elect Scott Brown

After having spent two days on the phone making calls for Scott Brown, last night was a great moment. As many times I have suggested we need to "wake up" it looks like they got the message in Massachusetts. I guess the lesson is that when the people have had enough, they will send a message and in the "bluest" of blue states that is just what they did. I really hope that this means we as a people will "opt" back into the political process and that we will get back on the road of Congressmen and Senators representing us and not acting with the arrogance they have recently. Well done Massachusetts!!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Haitian people.

On a day when we are just beginning to understand the magnitude of the disaster in Haiti from the earthquake, I only want to ask for the Lord's blessings on them and the people who are so bravely and desperately trying to help them. Please keep them in your prayers.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Can You Believe It!

I am not sure that I could have ever envisioned a day when the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader could or would absolutely snub their own colleagues and the American people as Pelosi and Reid have done. The silence from our other representatives is deafening about these "closet" conferences to work on a health care bill the American people don't want. How is it that we have come to this? As much as I believed that the American people had "opted" out of our political system, I never dreamed it could come to this. Both Democrats and Republicans have let us down and it is time to turn them "all" out. Why is your Congressman or Senator not publicly decrying what is going on? I know why, because they think we will not do anything about it. LETS PROVE THEM WRONG!!!!!