Saturday, August 15, 2009

God Bless the USA

Having just spent 2 weeks in the Baltic Capitals of the world, including Russia, I realize AGAIN, just how lucky we are to live in this wonderful Republic of ours. I am grateful to be an American!!

The town hall meetings on healthcare are a clear indication of how the American people REALLY feel about what the administration is trying to do which is to socialize medicine and put yours and my grandchildren in hock for the next 100 years. My congressman is having his meeting next Saturday and you can bet I will be there. Let your voice be heard America, I think we finally have someone's attention. So let's not lose the "bully pulpit" to all those who are guilty of putting out "misinformation" about what HR 3200 is really about. Go read it, if you really want to know what is going on READ IT. I am in that process and try and help with info where I can. Remember: " The only way for bad to overcome good is for GOOD PEOPLE to do nothing!!

Here is the link to read the complete bill:

Go read it, PLEASE!
