Whenever a voter asks FIRST, what party does the candidate represent, that voter is a part of the problem, not a part of the solution. Do I understand the political realities of today? Of course I do. I served in the White House, I ran a statewide Presidential campaign, I worked for a Governor and was co-chair of a Congressional campaign and was an elected Member of a State House of Representatives. I probably understand it better than most.
But ask me if I think the system is working in the best interest of the majority of Americans and I will tell you, no, not now, no way, unless we force some remarkable changes. Are you reading this and saying that it is too big to change, or you can't get Congress to vote to change it? If that is you, you are part of the reason that it DOESN'T change!
This country is in love with 'SENIORITY" as a measure of talent. Well it isn't. Just because you have lasted longer than others doesn't make you smarter or necessarily more valuable, it probably means you have either flown under the radar so people haven't really seen your non-productive self, or you are a part of the good-ole-boys network that gets you elected, hired etc no matter your qualifications. How many of you know someone/s who are not where they are today because of talent, but rather because of who they know and who protects them?
The same thing it true in POLITICS! The seniority system perpetuates it!
Those with talent and skills don't need it. Those who are scared of being "found out" can't survive without it.
We are electing people whose only mode, is survival through getting re-elected. They are in a continuous campaign and fund raising mode. We need to free them up to do the right things by limiting how long they can serve in any political office so they know that at some point they have to go home and live with those they represented, everyday!
November 2nd we need to clean house!
Have you made 1 phone call to help SOMEONE not some party get elected? Why not?
Do you vote based on emotions or FACTS?
Can you have an intelligent conversation with someone and back up things you state as fact, with credible sources?
Do you defend your position by talking LOUDER?
I am so grateful to be an American. I thank God I live in this country. I don't apologize for what my country does, I am proud of it. I want the world to continue to be able to look to us in time of need and for protection. Wealth in America is not determined by how much land we can add through invasion. That is the medieval way to calculate wealth. I believe that we need the strongest military power on earth because so many people look to us for protection, AND, dictators, thugs and merchants of aggression would feast on the weak who without our protection would be helpless. We have been greatly blessed and there is much expected of us as a result.
I say the Pledge, fly the flag, sing the National Anthem and put my hand over my heart and take off my hat. I am an American through and through, and I always will be. God bless this great nation.