Monday, October 25, 2010

We Are Asking the Wrong Question/s!

Who is going to control the US House and Senate after the election on November 2nd is the WRONG question. Who are the candidates, regardless of party, if elected on November 2nd that will "man up" and vote to enhance and reinforce political freedom and economic freedom for the American people? THAT IS THE RIGHT QUESTION!

Whenever a voter asks FIRST, what party does the candidate represent, that voter is a part of the problem, not a part of the solution. Do I understand the political realities of today? Of course I do. I served in the White House, I ran a statewide Presidential campaign, I worked for a Governor and was co-chair of a Congressional campaign and was an elected Member of a State House of Representatives. I probably understand it better than most.

But ask me if I think the system is working in the best interest of the majority of Americans and I will tell you, no, not now, no way, unless we force some remarkable changes. Are you reading this and saying that it is too big to change, or you can't get Congress to vote to change it? If that is you, you are part of the reason that it DOESN'T change!

This country is in love with 'SENIORITY" as a measure of talent. Well it isn't. Just because you have lasted longer than others doesn't make you smarter or necessarily more valuable, it probably means you have either flown under the radar so people haven't really seen your non-productive self, or you are a part of the good-ole-boys network that gets you elected, hired etc no matter your qualifications. How many of you know someone/s who are not where they are today because of talent, but rather because of who they know and who protects them?

The same thing it true in POLITICS! The seniority system perpetuates it!

Those with talent and skills don't need it. Those who are scared of being "found out" can't survive without it.

We are electing people whose only mode, is survival through getting re-elected. They are in a continuous campaign and fund raising mode. We need to free them up to do the right things by limiting how long they can serve in any political office so they know that at some point they have to go home and live with those they represented, everyday!

November 2nd we need to clean house!

Have you made 1 phone call to help SOMEONE not some party get elected? Why not?
Do you vote based on emotions or FACTS?
Can you have an intelligent conversation with someone and back up things you state as fact, with credible sources?
Do you defend your position by talking LOUDER?

I am so grateful to be an American. I thank God I live in this country. I don't apologize for what my country does, I am proud of it. I want the world to continue to be able to look to us in time of need and for protection. Wealth in America is not determined by how much land we can add through invasion. That is the medieval way to calculate wealth. I believe that we need the strongest military power on earth because so many people look to us for protection, AND, dictators, thugs and merchants of aggression would feast on the weak who without our protection would be helpless. We have been greatly blessed and there is much expected of us as a result.

I say the Pledge, fly the flag, sing the National Anthem and put my hand over my heart and take off my hat. I am an American through and through, and I always will be. God bless this great nation.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Wing Nut or Lug Nut? Which Are You?

Among the definitions of "wing nuts" is that a wing nut is a mentally deranged person. How appropriate! Lug nuts on the other hand are meant to keep the wheels from falling off. How appropriate! The question for America this coming election day is which do you want running your government, a Wing Nut or a Lug Nut? A wing nut in my book is someone, on either side of the aisle who doesn't care about the facts, they don't want to talk about it, whatever IT would be, and they feel that the only good Republican or Democrat is a "dead one" according to where their party blinders point them.

What are you? Are you a "Wing Nut" or are you a "Lug Nut"?

Personally I am a Lug Nut. I am trying to do all I can to keep the wheels from falling off the vehicle of State. If you are a "Wing Nut" you don't even have a pit crew. Your crew chief is one person sitting up in "the tower" just watching you go round and round and praying you won't run out of gas, which of course you will. It's just how much damage can you do before you do.

If you are a "Lug Nut", you do have a crew chief and a pit crew. Their job is to get feedback from you on how it's going, make adjustments as needed, and figure out just how much it takes to never run out of gas. You make changes according to the conditions on the ground and history has shown that this is the winning strategy for winning the "big one"!

This President and this Congress are bent on letting the wheels fall off. They appear not to be concerned about what will happen when they do. The wreck that this strategy will inevitably cause will be catastrophic and lots of other people will get hurt and they just don't care as long as they are in a position to push their strategy beyond the breaking point.

If you are a Wing Nut, even though you can see and feel the wheels falling off, you chalk it up to the rough terrain you have to go over to get to where you are trying to go. In fact your thought process is if only everything and everybody would just get out of your way, it would be smooth sailing for you. You ignore the warning lights on the dash, the blue smoke coming out of the back end, the steam coming out from under the hood because your crew chief keeps saying; "keep on keepin' on" So of course you do.

Wing Nuts, you are about to loose your sponsorship. Your car is not being returned to the garage, it is being hauled off to the junk yard. It has no scrap value and because you have spent billions even trillions trying to keep it going, you will no doubt skip town leaving some body else holding the bag. Your only hope is that over time people will forget about what you did and will someday let you back on the track. NOT THIS TIME!

The sponsors have had enough. They have seen through all your hype, pretty speeches that you couldn't give without a teleprompter, and maniacal obsession with power. You are finally being seen for what you are, all show and no blow, all hot air and no substance, and illiterate when it comes to being able to read the Constitution, history books or anything else that would help you understand just how far "off the track" you are.

You crashed your car, you are an unfit driver!

On November 2nd another race will begin. I am sure you will try and cobble together something to try and stay in the race. But we know who and what you are now. This will be an endurance race this time, which only begins on November 2nd. We have been training for a long time not to drive in fits and spurts, but for as long as it takes to win this race once and for all.

We are not going to put you in the winners circle again or let you drink from that cool bottle of milk. No making "donuts" on the track, no drivers hall of fame. All that will be left is a footnote in the history book that says; "they didn't do or care enough to send their very best". RIP my wing nut friend, rest in perpetuity!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Do It For Yourself!

I can only imagine the sense of anticipation that the original patriots of the revolution had as they planned for establishing this great nation. I have the same sense as we plan to start taking our country back on November 2nd. But as they must have felt then, we must understand now, that a revolution needs to take place in order to re-establish "a more perfect union". There is one significant difference though. They KNEW that this was only the beginning of a very long process. We haven't learned YET that the day at the ballot box is only the "first shot" and that we if we are not persistent, vigilant and relentless in our follow up, we will leave the polls on November 2nd thinking we have won the battle, only to loose the war.

We have taught them to ignore us. Too many Americans believe that the problem is with somebody else's Congressman or Senator, not theirs. That is why we re-elect over and over again people who should be fired and have to find a real job. We have taught them that if they raise enough money in most instances they can get re-elected, regardless of their voting record which most people have never looked at. We have taught them, and allowed, a seniority system to drive how we vote. Instead of electing or re-electing them based on what their committee assignment will be or how many earmarks they can bring back home, it needs to be their record on voting for the overall well being of the country, not just their district.

Do you trust the "sound bytes" that you see and/or hear on your television? Do you believe what you see in the political ads, both positive and negative? Do you believe that the media slants things to suit their own purposes? We are manipulated, everyday, by what we see and hear because we won't do the grunt work to find out the real facts on our own. And they know it! Do you have conversations in your family about how you are too busy to get involved so we will let somebody else do it? Well, somebody else IS doing it and how is that working out for you?

Our actions and our thinking have become myopic. We are guilty of what in business is called "silo" thinking. We mistakenly believe that as long as we take care of and get rewarded for what is going on in our little corner of the world, that we don't need nor should we care about what is going on outside of it. WRONG! Silo thinking has ruined and is ruining companies today and it has and will ruin countries while the fiddler plays and Rome burns.

Some people ask me "where do we start" or "there are so many things to fix what should we work on first"? Start with YOURSELF! You can't fix anything unless you/we work an making sure we are a part of the solution, not a part of the problem. I may not agree with what you say, but I defend to the death your right to express it. BUT, I am not even hearing from you. Why don't you comment on this blog? To busy, don't care or are you just glad somebody else is doing it so you don't have to. BUT YOU DO HAVE TO! We all need to hear from you. I want to know what you think. Do you agree or disagree with what I am saying here.

You and I TOGETHER can make a difference and create a more responsive government than we have now. I can't do it by myself, I need your help. Over 6000 people now see this blog. How many more could if you would send a copy of it to everyone on your email list. PLEASE do that for America! Thank you!


Monday, October 18, 2010

15 DAYS!

We have been sold a bill of goods about change. We have been told that we have to change them. The truth is, we need to change us. November 2nd will change nothing unless we change. Change from thinking that those we elect will look out for us, it's just not been true. We have to look out for ourselves. How many times in your life have you said to yourself, "if only this would happen", "if only I could win the lottery", "if only they would change, live could be so good". How has that worked out for you?

The only way to get things to change is for us to change ourselves and take charge of our own future. Why would we want to put somebody else in charge of that? Well that is exactly what we do when we wait on "them" whoever they are, to do it.

The Power of Choice is the most powerful tool you and I will ever have. We have it WITHIN us to choose what that future will look like. It will take a lot of hard, gut-wrenching work to get it done. But if we wait for "them" to do it, it will never happen. We have gotten lazy and now we are paying the price. Now we have to change almost everything in Washington and then make sure we stay in charge by holding all those new Senators and Congressmen accountable.

When I hear someone say that the only good Republican or Democrat is a dead one, I know that the only thing that matters to them is who is in charge and NOT who will do the best job, not only as a party but individually. We have let a system grow up which punishes people who don't adhere to the "party" line. The system is set up to let the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader be dictators. Good people with good ideas that aren't in sync with the leadership will pay the price. I believe there are good people on both sides, but they are not allowed, in this system, to do what they know is right. We need TERM LIMITS! The seniority system has sucked the blood out of our American political system.

We now have an administration that seems to be bent on destroying the American way of life. We are trying to spend our way to prosperity and it has never worked and it will not work now. We need a paycheck, not a food stamp. We will never get back what we know works with those who are now in charge. WE NEED TO FIRE THEM ON NOV 2ND! But if you and I go back to letting the new ones think we work for them instead of them working for us, things will not change no matter which party is in power.

You and I don't need to do anything to have the power we need to change things to reflect what we know will work for our country. It was given to us by God and the United States Constitution underscored it and put it in writing. But somewhere along the way we forgot what was and is ours and can be ours again, if will only take back what is rightfully ours, our country. This is not about them, it is about us. This is not about the Tea Party, it is about us doing what we should have been doing all along. I know we can do it. I believe that we will do it. It is not about if we will, it is all about when. If not us, who, if not now, when?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Now Is The Time!!

Never have we had an opportunity to make as much of a difference as we can during this upcoming election. GET INVOLVED please and when you look back on the 2010 mid-term elections, which will be historic, you can say: "I was a part of that".